Isaac Mayer Wise: Is The Word Of Religion Really Inevitable?

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Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise believed that both the core beliefs of the Jews could be kept and preserved even through their traditional ways to modernization. Some of the things that Wise did was to give sermons in English and German because many no longer spoke or understood Hebrew. I think that this made a lot of sense for Wise to do that because although some may have seen this as changing the original ways of their ancestors it was necessary so that their beliefs could continue to be heard and understood by the Jews. In my opinion I think that it was inevitable for the Jews to not modernize because America had become all about change, but Wise himself believed that it was possible to change some of their ways while still holding on to the major parts of their religion. …show more content…
Charles Briggs was an open minded Christian that looked at both science and religion and started to put both together and the outcome was that Briggs realized that some things in the Bible seemed off especially the timeline and use of words that did not exist at the time. Briggs open-mindedness resulted with him being tried in court for heresy, then later his suspension from ministry. Briggs different ideas and views was seen as questioning the Bible and religiom and maybe even the existence of God. Although Briggs was suggesting that perhaps the Bible did not come directly from heaven but instead held the teachings and moral lessons that God wanted his Christians to interpret on their own means to and live

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