Jimmy T. Jones: A Short Story

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The entire community in Springfield, Michigan were alarmed last Sunday when the power went out for 24 hours. This has now been revealed to have been caused by none other than Jimmy T. Jones, a well known amateur scientist who had claimed to know how to build a time machine. Jones has apparently done it and successfully went back in time and even more impressively, come back. Jones states that he went back to ancient Sumer around 3000 B.C.E. and saw the ancients in their full glory. “The first thing that I saw” recalls Jones, “was the massive wall surrounding the city. Then the guards saw me! I couldn’t understand what they shouted at me but it seemed to be a threat or warning of some sort. They had a thick leather hide for armor and leggings, a thick iron …show more content…
Many open aired markets were stationed throughout the city where the merchants shouted to the people their wares. The markets were always situated next to mud brick houses where he assumed people lived or went to for their work. The last thing Jones recalls seeing was a construction site for a large building which due to the lack of seeing one, he assumed was a palace. Hundreds of men in loincloths were gathered to work on the stones which were being brought into the city via chariots or sleds. Slave drivers were nearby, easily spotted by their whips and posture. Although seeing the slave drivers with the whips and cat o'nine tails, he never saw one use it and even stated that when a slave fell down due to over exhaustion, one of the slave drivers ran over to help the man and give him water. At that point Jones thought he had seen enough (and run enough) for a lifetime. “It is an experience I shall never forget.” says Jones, “I would like to go back and learn more about our ancient past. At the moment however, I have to explain the power outage to the neighbors.

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