Legalizing Drugs In The United States

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According to the Association of the Chiefs of Police, drug use in this country kills thousands of Americans (United States. Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010, p. 3). The efforts in some states to legalize these drugs are doing more harm than good (United States. Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010, p. 3). They believe that the states are misleading the public and the real impact and harm the drug use will have on their communities, in fact by legalizing drugs, it does not stop the violence or crime in their communities or reduce the day to day threat that our law enforcement faces out on the streets of our towns and cities (United States. Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010, p. 3). For these very reasons this is why law enforcement …show more content…
3). In Alabama, the top 10 convictions of Inmates admitted in fiscal year 2015 on drug related charges place in the first and second place, first being Possession of a controlled substance and second would be drug manufacturing, Trafficking, and Distribution. Those who call for the more restrictive sentences feel this is justice, they feel that you did the crime now you do the time, and by doing your time your responsibility is to pay your debt to society for your wrong doings. This should be the end of the problem right? If you ask the other side of this debate they will let you know in no uncertain terms that this is not the answer because these same offenders end up returning to jail because the under lying problem has not been fixed. They are advocating not for more restrictions, but for more rehabilitation for the offenders. They believe the “war on drugs” has failed and it has become more like the war on families, on public health, and on our constitutional rights (Greene & Pranis, 2005, p. 3). The harsh reality is that a good number of these inmates will be released, then re-arrested due to technical violations or new drug related charge. This is a pattern that has been repeating itself over and over again in the Alabama Department of Correction. As a transcript clerk I get these recidivist files, reopening these cases and working them back into the …show more content…
These same people in my family do not distinguish a first drug, violent, nor property offenders non-violent or violent they simply see all these people as having broken the law and is in need of going to jail or prison. The debate is some of us and that is including me who work in the corrections field see an overcrowding of the prison and look at these first time non-violent drug offenders as the ones that could possibly be the ones where the laws need to change and not be so restrictive, maybe we need to look more into rehabilitation instead of a prison sentences. Some of the employee have even brought up in conversation why we don’t re- evaluate Marijuana as a drug, and legalize it since we have three states that have already have done so and have it taxed to help the state, personally I do not think Alabama is quite ready to do something like that. I do however know that both sides of my family in this particular debate for and against drug restrictions do agree on one thing and that is, we have a real problem in the United States of overcrowded prisons, and recidivism rates that continue to grow. Whatever the solution is remains to be seen, I just hope

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