Machiavelli The Prince Research Paper

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In Machiavelli's The Prince, Machiavelli instructs people wanting to gain political power should be more concerned with what is politically effective rather than what is morally right. Machiavelli encourages readers to do whatever is necessary to gain and keep power. While Machiavelli's methods seem harsh and extreme and I personally don't believe that they are ethically right, I believe they would allow a ruler to accomplish his goals of obtaining power.

During the Renaissance when Machiavelli lived, there was an explosion of humanism and free thinking that focused on the individual person. In writing The Prince, Machiavelli exercised his right to say what he pleased and to let the world hear it.Just like the people around him, Machiavelli was focusing on himself and his goals, abilities, and views, no matter how cruel they might seem. In this way Machiavelli was swept up into the Renaissance spirit. While other people wrote
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In places such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, one can see one of Machiavelli's ideas. In The Prince, Machiavelli writes that a ruler should focus on "war and it rules and disciplines" above all else. He writes that, in order to keep power, "it is much safer to be feared than loved." Today there are countries constantly at war and for it their people to obey through fear. While this has proved to be a way for these rulers to maintain their power, they also have last the admiration of their people. Although there are places in the world today that rule using some of Machiavelli's ideas, I don't believe that these techniques should be used in the modern world as a way to keep power. This sort of leadership leads to distrust between an ruler and his people and and the idea that your government doesn't have the best intentions for the well being of individual people and is only concerned with keeping the area under their rule strong and their power

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