Make America Great Again

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‘Make America great again’ was the slogan he so fondly expressed time and time again during his run for presidency. Donald Trump the businessman come politician was a man driven by power and wealth.
Born during the summer of 1946 in the finance capital of the world, New York City, Trump was the second youngest of five children to parents Mary and Frederick Trump.
Following in the footsteps of his father, who started out in construction work prior to becoming a real estate millionaire, Trump would help him on the work sites during his summer holidays.
Graduating his high school years from the New York Military Academy in 1964 classmates described him as a star athlete and student although, Trump himself said the school gave him “more training military than a lot of the guys that go in to the military.”
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The Simpsons creator, Matt Groener, must have seen this coming airing an episode in the year 2000 called ‘Bart to the future’ where Trump is President. In fact Trump had thought about running in the presidential race that same year but decided against it.

He also considered for President in 2012 however his association with the Birthers movement, a fringe group that strongly believed President Obama was not born in America, seemingly discredited his political reputation. In June 2015 at the White House he finally announced his ambitions to run for President as part of the Republican party.
As a man with strong desires, Trump aimed to improve America in the best ways he seen possible with hopes to overcome terrorism, create a rise in jobs for the community and improve the education system.

So why not leave reading this article in the mindset of one of the worlds most controversial yet interesting men, Donald Trump, who said: “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the

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