Mental Illness Research Paper

Improved Essays
Mentally Ill Therapies
“1 out of every 17 people live with a serious mental illness.” This is a staggering number in terms of an issue that some don’t consider as an epidemic. Mental illness has been around longer than most people realize. There has been ways to “treat” this disease, but the most recent and most common one is medication. This medication is sometimes not given due to insurance policies, lack of knowledge, and the fact many may not realize they are sick. Non-Medicated treatments can benefit people who are mentally ill due to less risk and side effects, people know who and why they work, and they cost less due to not doing it every day like medication. The start of medication for a mental illness started in 1930. Until this point there was only the experimentation with people that most of the time leads to death. There were some therapies that came about, but people found electroshock therapy can cause more harm than good. The idea that mental illness is a made up thing goes to the idea of anosognosia. Some people do not receive help due to the idea that people do not believe they are really sick. Medication is the main treatment for mental illness, but they may not be the best option. The medication has a high risk
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Some are very well known such as yoga and meditation, but some are less known as music and art therapy. Yoga and meditation have been proven to reduce stress and make it easier to relax. Yoga has been shown to help with a variety of mental illness such as, PTSD, ADHD, depression, and schizophrenia. Along the lines of relaxation and coping with stress, acupuncture can be used to help the body and mind flow and recoup from the stress. While some may be hesitant with the thought of the needles, both of these therapies come from the same area and have been around a very long time and can be used

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