Christakis The Hidden Influence Of Social Networks Analysis

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After viewing the video, Nicholas Christakis: The Hidden Influence of Social Networks (TED, 2010) and reading the assigned chapters in Hallowell, E. M. (2011). Shine: Using brain science to get the best from your people, I believe the comparison between the video and the textbook is:” Connection”. It is clear that we are all connected, and changing the way we socialize is part of the overall connection in our lives and in the workplace. Our experiences in our lives, often guide decisions in everyday life. Christakis (2010) lectured about various events that affected his life. First, he talked about being a hospice doctor and how grief not only affect the immediate family but friends and families as well. Secondly, he talked about obesity …show more content…
Connection generates a positive environment. When there is a disconnection, or disengagement from people in lives, employees at the workplace our lives is not satisfactory, therefore there must be positive connections among peers to produce high quality workers and leaders in the workplace.
The comparison of Hallowell (2011) and Christakis (2010) in relation to the assigned CSIP in week two is communication in the workplace. Communication can improve the relationship between people to gain trust and develop a balance of hierarchy in the workplace. The ideas that strike me as being the most important for making connections in the workplace environment is personnel removing roadblocks that prevent ideas from becoming reality. Through this week, study I have learned strategies for helping my colleagues connect, build cohesiveness, and
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One of the things we strive for in our lives is a meaningful connections with people or, to use the more common phrase, meaningful relationships. Connections that we have with other people can take many forms; some of them are coworkers or acquaintances, while some are friendships. Other connections can end up being more meaningful than others, and partnerships are formed, I have been privileged in my life to have meaningful connections along the way. Many of them come and many of them go, but they have always been around, and for that I have been grateful. Some of my relationships have lasted only short times, but left a mark on my life, while others have lasted many years. People come into our lives for reasons, seasons, or lifetimes. For a brief time or a long time, they play a part in our lives that give meaning. I am always going to appreciate those connections I develop, and appreciate what they bring to me, how they enrich my life, and what I learn from

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