Oskar Schindler: A True Hero

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Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman are all well known heroes around the world. However, one hero catches my eye, Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler was a German business man and apart of the Nazi Party for his benefit–not for their beliefs. This proves that anyone can really be a hero. You don’t have to be a saint like person to earn hero status. Oskar Schindler is a perfect example of this. He went from being an anti-hero to a hero with just a change of heart. He became an unlikely hero when he saved over a thousand Jewish people in Poland and Czechoslovakia. In result he became bankrupt and had to flee since he had become wanted by the Germans. In my opinion, I think Oskar Schindler is one of the greatest heroes of the century. Why is he the greatest hero of the century? Well that is question I do have an answer to.

Courageous, responsible, intelligent, and self-sacrificing are all adjectives used to describe heroes. Oskar Schindler today is recognized as all of the above. However, he was not always. Before his heroic act, he was known as an alcoholic, a womanizer, ignorant, and a
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It is easy to guess it was just as important back then too. It is obvious that the Nazi soldiers would not just hand over 1200 Jews to Oskar Schindler out of the goodness of their hearts. Each Jewish person Oskar Schindler saved came with a price. He spent an infinite sum of money to employ the Jewish workers. In Poland, Schindler quickly befriended the key officers in both the Wehrmacht (the German army) and the SS (the special armed Nazi unit.) He offered them black-market merchandise such as cigars and cognac. He used these items to bribe his “friends” to obtain more Jews. In addition to this, he spent a great amount of money to buy the new company in Brunnlitz. He spent every last dime on the best food and other supplies so the Jewish workers would stay healthy and alive. By the end of the

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