Personal Narrative: The Emergency Room

Improved Essays
The feeling of soft, plush carpet. A burning hot sidewalk. Prickly pins and needles from sitting in one position too long. A warm, summer breeze blowing across the legs while sitting on the deck with a tall, cool drink. These are feelings that are taken for granted by almost every person in the world. The feet. No other part of the body creates a foundation for the whole body and contains senses that allow us to move in a manner that is secure, comfortable, and effective. Yet, in a few, short hours last summer, my energetic, protective older brother, lost the ability to feel these sensations and to walk.
The day began as any other on a beautiful, summer morning with the golden rays of sunlight just beginning to glide through the windows of our busy household. The members of our sizable ten member family were waking to ready for the eventful day. My oldest brother, Joseph, should come bounding down the stairs at any minute to eat a hearty breakfast before his workday. However, what happened next will be permanently etched in
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I went along to provide assistance to my mother. At the hectic Emergency Room, my brother was examined and tested by medical doctors, nurses, neurologists, and various technicians. Throughout this stressful, upsetting occurrence, I watched and prayed as he swiftly became worse. The diligent medical professionals performed test after test, searching for any solution for healing treatment. Now, not only was Joseph in significant pain, but also with additional paralysis up to the abdomen and no sensation in the vital lower half of his body. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity in my struggling mind, the neurologist spoke. His voice seemed almost in another world, yet somehow, I heard that my brother had been diagnosed with transverse myelitis. By some means, unexplainably, an infection had worked into his spinal cord, cutting off neural communication to the lower

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