The Four Political Parties

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The 2016 election has been one of the most discussed events in American history. Both parties began preparation for the presidential election, about two years before the actual election. Before the final primary election there were four leading candidates, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for the Republican Party and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party.
These four candidates were very different than any of the candidates of previous elections. Bernie Sanders, who was running for the democratic nominee had very different views from the stereotypical democratic views. Sanders was categorized as a socialist by many people from both parties, defying the standard form of government, representative democracy, that has been used
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In this elections primaries, there were more voters and a higher turnout than in any other election, besides the 2008 election. The primaries for this election had a very typical outcome as previous years, nothing shocking happened. A lot of people do not understand the difference between primaries and caucuses. While the two are very similar, “the main difference is who is running the show” (Putnam). Primaries are funded and run by the state government, and are modeled like the actual election in November. Caucuses are more complex. Caucuses are run by state parties instead of the government, they select not only the presidential candidate, but delegates for other conventions. They also “prioritize issues that should or would be in the state or national party platform” as well as focus on local issues and candidates. After the primaries (and caucuses) the presidential nominees are selected for the final election in November. The primaries are a very important part of the presidential …show more content…
Trump came from a very wealthy family that made its money in real estate and other business ventures. He has his own company and is a business minded man. Trump is very economically aware, and sets goals to make money in every situation he is in, whether it be in his business company or as the American president. He offers change and something different than the typical politician. Trump appeals to the people that do not have trust in the government system and that really want something different. Trump is not the stereotypical presidential nominee, he has never run for any political office before, much less president. Trump is the republican candidate as he mainly has conservative views, however, he has views that many seem to think are all over the map, as he is not a strong right wing conservative. He is more moderate than a typical right wing republican. Hillary, on the other hand, comes from a middle class family and has been in politics all of her life. She held office in the White House for 30 years and is the stereotypical definition of a politician. Hilary has run for president before, but she lost in the primaries to the current president, Barrack Obama. She is very liberal and left wing in her views and

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