Raffi Wineburg Summary

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Raffi Wineburg, a graduate from the University of British Columbia and now an intern at The Jerusalem Post, writes Lip Service Useless for Millennials in order to get an emotional response from his readers. Published in The Seattle Times in the summer of 2014, this article addresses the problems facing Millennials when it comes to finding jobs as well as the misplaced judgment they receive. Because this article was printed in a daily newspaper, the people reading this article most likely are middle aged people who do not have first hand experience of what its like in this day and age to get a job right out of college. Wineburg uses a conversational tone in order to make a more human appeal to his readers. Even though his tone is casual, there is still a sense of urgency that something has to be done, that readers should not be complacent to this issue. Wineburg’s argument is that talking about the job crisis to Millennials doesn’t do anything. The articles he references from The New York Times are aimed at Millennials who already know everything they are saying. Wineburg believes that we should be targeting people who hold positions of power …show more content…
The first three paragraphs are Wineburg explaining his current predicament and it looks like he will just be talking about himself. But then he explains that his story is similar to many Millennial’s and begins to make a case for why they need help. The anecdote in the beginning makes the article more approachable and less intimidating for readers. Not everyone would be enticed to talk about the job market, especially if they are not presently searching for a job and are secure in their careers. However, Wineburg makes an immediate connection with the reader by referencing high school, a time that most people can relate to. By setting this scene he also allows the reader to better understand how stressful searching for a job

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