Research Paper On Leo Tolstoy

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The Positive Impact of Leo Tolstoy “I love many things, I love many people.” These were the last words of Leo Tolstoy. Throughout his entire life, Tolstoy lived by those words as he became whom the world knows as ‘the greatest writer of the 19th century’. Leo Tolstoy positively impacted society by teaching: to make a difference, expand one's social circle, and to keep an open mind.

Leo Tolstoy taught to make a difference. For a man of the upper class, Tolstoy made a notable effort to take action in reducing other's suffering. In 1973, there was a crop failure in Russia. Tolstoy decided to stop writing his novel Anna Karenina for a year to organize aid for the starving. (Krznaric, Roman) He remarked to a relative, "I cannot tear myself
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(Krznaric, Roman)

Leo Tolstoy taught to always keep an open mind. He excelled in his ability and willingness to change his mind based on new experiences. This was a skill he began working on in the 1850s when he was an army officer. Tolstoy fought in the gruesome siege of Sebastopol during the Crimean War. This was a horrific experience that changed Tolstoy in many ways. A positive effect of the war was Tolstoy’s book Childhood in which he wrote during his time in the military. (Heims, Neil) Another life changing event took place in 1857 when he witnessed an execution by guillotine in Paris. Tolstoy never forgot the severed head thumping into the box below. (‘Leo Tolstoy’) Leo Tolstoy additionally kept an open mind through the realization that his past does not define his future. As a child, Hemric 4
Tolstoy received his early education at home, by French and German tutors. (Heims,

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