Research Paper On Non-Binary

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Have any of you gotten asked, “Why don’t you just cut off your p… a-r-t-s if you don’t like them?”
No, just me?
Two people in this classroom identify as something other than a girl or boy. At least, to my knowledge. I am non-binary. Non-binary, also known as genderqueer, is a term under the transgender umbrella. This term means my gender identity is not exclusively “girl” or “boy”. Some more specific non-binary genders are agender and genderfluid.
People like me feel ashamed and unsafe due to the illegitimacy of their gender and the lack of knowledge there is about “non-binary”.
There is many reasons why this is a huge issue, intersexuals being one of them. Some refer to people who are intersexual as “hermaphrodites”, a very derogatory term for a person who has a mixture of female and male parts and hormones. These people go through extreme amounts of money and pain to be like everyone else, to stay in the M box or the F box on that piece of paper down at the DMV. The Intersex Society of America note that intersexuality appears in about one in every 2,000 births. 353,000 babies are born a day, this means that about 170 babies born today will have to go through surgery to become “normal” or deal with dysphoria that they don’t deserve.
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Not to mention, gender isn’t the same as sex. Gender is how you express yourself and sex is what you have genetically. There are a multitude of genders. Just as the well known scientist Bill Nye said in his latest Netflix episode, gender is a broad, rainbow colored spectrum. Gender is not blue or pink. It is all connected, you can be wherever you want, you can jump around, be in two or more places, anything. This is influenced by your genes. Transgender people were born transgender based on their DNA, says Harvard student Katherine J. Wu. We deserve recognition in

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