Rhetorical Analysis Of Call To Men

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Call To Men The video “Call To Men” by Tony Porter at TED Women, Mr. Porter is making a call to men everywhere. The video shown on Youtube.com shows only women in the audience, but his message is directed more towards men. Mr. Porter tells emotional stories from his experiences and shows the mentally that men are taught through their childhood. The speaker is trying to encourage men to break free from the “man box”. There are several ways the speaker is trying to get his audience to receive the message. From the beginning, Mr. Porter sets the tone of his presentation. “Men are superior, women are inferior, men are strong and women are weak. That woman are of less value, property of men and objects”. This is the collective socialization of men, which he refers to as the “man box”. This is an effective introduction because it informs the audience that Mr. Porter is going to be honest and speak from his life experiences. As Mr. Porter goes on to present his speech, he uses several images. Some of …show more content…
Whenever he told a story, it made the audience feel how he felt as he was telling the story. When the speaker told the story about the raping of the mentally challenge girl, some of the males watching probably felt the conflicting emotions as the speaker did as a 12-year-old boy. “I was feeling a tremendous amount of remorse at that time, but I was conflicting. While I was, feeling remorse I was excited ‘cuz I didn’t get caught, but I know I felt bad at what was happening.” As the speaker is explaining the story, he gets to the point that the “man box” is what puts men in those situations. Telling of the rape story, as a speaker he had to have confidence and show that is message is not just for show. Mr. Porter does a great job of captivating the audience with dark stories, but at the same time, he knows when to give the audience a break by telling a couple of

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