Commentary On Bruce's Mammon

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(24): Based on Bruce’s commentary he explains, “This section of the Sermon inculcates a freedom from anxiety, rising from implicit confidence in a heavenly Father’s love and care…’mammon is an Aramaic word, etymologically denoting in which men put their trust, but in practice standing for material gain, which can so easily take the central place in life that is due to God alone” God doesn’t want us to have two different masters or idols because they will rule us, we will not know which to turn to when the time comes. God should be our only master because he is the one who sustains us through eternity, he is the all-knowing, all-powerful God who know you inside and out completely. We must devote our lives to Him completely. As Morris states, …show more content…
One needs to put their trust in him and quit worrying and continually keep their eyes set on today rather than what is to come. “Jesus is not saying that his followers may be as careless as the birds and the flowers, doing no work and simply looking to out Father to provide everything…But there is all the difference in the world between doing this in anxiety and fear and doing it in trust in a loving Father” “Jesus’ disciples must live lives qualitatively different from those of people who have no trust in God’s fatherly care and no fundamental goals beyond material things”
(32): We are not unbelievers so we need to stop acting are as we are. If one worries they are not putting their trust in the Lord but in themselves, we must strive to be different in every way we approach life comparing between believers and unbelievers of Christ.
(33): Based on this verse from Scripture, Longman and Garland seem to explain it best, “…makes it clear that Jesus’ disciples are not simply to refrain from the pursuit of temporal things as their primary goal in order to differentiate themselves from pagans; instead they are to replace such pursuits with goals of far greater

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