Sons And Daughters Of Liberty Thesis

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The streets are packed with angry protesters. Holding up their signs demanding a change. They don’t like what the government has done and they want to make an alteration to the laws. The Sons and Daughters of Liberty were a special group of protesters that want different and better rights. They didn’t like certain things that were occurring and they wanted to do something about it. Who were the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and how did their actions lead to the Revolutionary War?
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty impacted the lives of many people. The group all started because of the Stamp and Townshend Acts. The Townshend Act was the tax that was put onto imported things like glass, paper, and tea. The Stamp Act taxed anything that was printed paper, like newspapers. These acts made some of the colonists furious. They started boycotting trying to make the government put
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They used many methods which made them become a very significant group. They would do pretty much anything to prove their point. The rioting mobs destroyed buildings, like the one that Andrew Oliver lived in. He was a tax commissioner, and he was planning on distributing stamps. They also caused the Boston Tea Party. On December 16, the Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. They did this because they wanted to be recognized, and wanted to get their point out that they don’t taxes.
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty had unique features to their organization. They had secret code words, symbols, and medals. Also they wouldn’t buy anything from England. They were simply boycotting for their own good. It’s not like they are getting paid to do this. They were called the Sons and Daughters of ‘Liberty’ because liberty means, the state of being free. They wanted to be free of taxes so that is why they were called that. There was even a newspaper that gave daily events and actions of the Sons and Daughters of

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