Steve Jobs Commencement Speech Analysis

Improved Essays
In life, there is always going to be something that one needs to learn; things such as yourself, other people, or the environment around you, pretty much the of do’s and don’t of life. During your journey, you are the ultimate ruler of what happens and what does not happen, but along the way, people will try to guide you and give you the best advice that they can. This is what Steve Jobs did during his commencement speech; he took what he knew life had taught him and tried to teach others about the best life one can live. After listening to the full commencement speech, one can see that Jobs wants us to live our life the way we would like to, and to make sure it’s lived to the fullest. During his speech, Jobs made an emphasis on three big …show more content…
Jobs went through many different jobs until he finally came to the one that he loved the most, which led him to his wife, which then lead to his family. He wants the audience to use this in everyday life because a job and love are so important to how your life turns out. Both of these things are things that are going to take up a huge part of your life. If you’re with something, or working for a company that you have no interest in, bores you, or it’s nothing something you have a passion for, stop. Don’t settle when there’s so many different people and opportunities that people can take. A job can never be a career, because you don’t have to like your job, but a career is something you have to love, and if you don’t love it, it’s not worth the …show more content…
In the speech, Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” (5, Jobs) You are the ultimate ruler of your life, and Jobs wants us to know that. He doesn’t want you to live everyday as if you’re under somebody's control, because you’re not. People can’t just mold you into something you don’t want you to be. He want you to follow your instinct and your heart because,unlike the people who are trying to get you to follow their opinions, you heart and head already know what they want. Everyone else’s opinions are just secondary. He wants people to take away that the idea of life is never guaranteed, anything can happen to anyone at any given moment. You may not be here tomorrow, so don’t live by others rule, live by your

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