The Affects Of Animal Experimentation On The Human Body

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According to U.S labs, up to 100 million animals die each year due to animal experimentation in the lab?

Animal experimentation is helping the understanding of diseases and new surgical techniques on both human and animals. Animal experimentation also helps the understanding of the correct medicine to use for any specific sickness they might have.

Animal experimentations are very harmful the the animal body and is very cruel. Animals both small and large are taken away from their natural environment and is kept in a small captive cage for the remainder of their lifetime, even if they do survive the test they will still have to remain captive.

The first reason animal experimentation is wrong is, according to Cruelty Free International,
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According to Cruelty Free International over 1000 stroke treatments that was successful during the animal testing, whereas only 10% were used in human trials. Unfortunately none sufficiently worked well in the human’s body. Also while using mice and rats to test safety drugs they only worked about 43% of the time, when only when tested on humans 95% of the medicine failed during human tests despite the correct outcome of the animals.

The third reason why animal testing is wrong is, the animals weren't doing anything harmful to be going through such cruel tests. According to Peta, before going through any tests each animal will have to breathe in toxic fumes, others would have to be immobilized in restraint devices sometimes for hours at a time. Also some animals will have holes drilled through their skulls, and others will have their skin burned off and spinal cords crushed. Another reason why animal experimentation is wrong is because, the animals are taken away from their natural habitat and socially isolated from the outside
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According to About Animal Testing, by testing the medicine on animals before humans is the safe way to go, but the animal and human body does react quite different. The reaction from the drug or medicine may be unreliable by having the animal in such a different environment. They may be under quite a lot of stress. Therefore by the animal being under stress, and having a human take the drug he or she could have a different reaction to the medicine in their natural state.

In conclusion animal testing is wrong due to animals being held captive, and intentionally being starved to possibly death for a treatment that might not work. Why animal testing is so important is because, most tests can mostly be unreliable to the human body next to the animal’s way of coping with different drugs. Most tests can be unreliable due to animals not being able to have most foods that humans can have, foods like, chocolate, grapes, raisins and many other foods. In addition, animal testing is cruel due to be taken away from habitat and being isolated from the natural

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