The Coevolutionary Arms Race Analysis

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Today, capitalism has grown ad infinitum with the advent of the global economy, bolstered by rapid advancements in technology, particularly as it pertains to mass communication and transportation. Because of this, capitalism – and indeed the symbol of the almighty dollar itself – has reigned supreme over the rights of the individuals, who struggle and sacrifice their own labor and industry to satisfy the needs of the few individuals, who – either by pedagogy or the good fortune of having the relative proximity to those with the knowledge of strategic efficiency for capitalistic gains – are ultimately used as a collective means to the end of the privileged few.
As the proverbial pawn in the gamification of a nation, citizens are at the mercy –
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Because of this the theme of survival permeates every aspect of our being, which is inclusive of not only life-sustaining resources like food and shelter, but of the perceived necessities of present day luxuries. Growing up in such a culture, which states the so-called need for certain things has lead the sustaining populous to gain hedonic adaptation, and therefore diminishing returns on an individual’s overall happiness. As a result of this, certain measures need to be taken to rectify this.
The notion of competition in individual happiness appears – at first – to be somewhat of an oxymoron, but in fact it makes perfect sense. If we consider evolutionary biology, the term coevolutionary arms race describes a regularly occurring phenomenon where one species acts antagonistically upon the other in a way that exerts reciprocal directional selection on each other, thus forcing each other to adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs. Because of this competition is a motivating force to keep up with current market trends, thereby keeping your individual interests

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