The Crucible Giles Corey Character Analysis

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“Is she going to fly again? I heard she flies,” said Giles Corey. Giles is very protective of himself early in the story due to his past experiences with the law, which leads to him making this comment. He was also intrigued by the idea of witchcraft, but not caught up by it like the other villagers of Salem. I feel that I can relate to Giles more than any other character. Giles and I are strong-willed, comedic at the strangest of times, and loyal to the death. Giles and I are believed to be strong-willed people. “More weight,” these were the final words of Giles Corey before his death. Giles was being pressed to death at the time of his final words, this is further proof of his determined ways. He would not give in and confess to something that he knew he did not do, rather to die than lie. Similar to Giles, I …show more content…
“A fart on Thomas Putnam, that is what I say to that!” said Giles. Many of the characters in The Crucible felt this way about Mr. Putnam, but Giles was the only one with the guts and sense of humor to spill the beans. Like Giles, I tend to speak my mind and it usually gives someone a good laugh. Where I work there is this server, who honestly, nobody really likes because of how rude she is, but will not tell her themselves. So one day she started going on about another server and how they never do what they are supposed to do, so I said (in front of everyone), “Want to know how much any of us care?” My comment got some chuckles, although it was rude and not the place for that kind of behavior. Giles tends to brighten up a room with his laughter and I tend to do the same during family gatherings. It seems like every time my family gets together (especially with the older folk) politics almost always have to be mentioned, but I like to steer clear of that by coming up with some “politically incorrect” jokes. Another thing similar between us, besides our sense of humor is our

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