The Crucible Monologue Analysis

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I feel like I’m constantly running from the good things in life. There’s always this feeling lurking in the shadows constantly reminding me and making me aware of the fact that I’m scared of falling in too deep. Every time I come close, I turn and bolt. I draw away. It’s like the deeper I search, the more scared I am. It’s hard to explain sometimes and other times I can explain it right out flat. It’s how I feel so it should be easy to say but I’m scared of the reaction I’m going to get. I want to feel happy for him but I’m hurt because of him. He thinks nothing’s changed but everything has changed. He altered my life without realizing it and it hurts me that he can’t see that. He was important to me but he just got up and walked out of my …show more content…
But there is a feeling creeping up on you. It’s called being power-hungry and it can corrupt you if you don’t have the will to control your personal desires. You will want more and more until you have as much as you can hold. When you reach that sudden stop, you are at a dead end. The only thing to do to avoid them catching you is to disappear, and that is exactly what Abigail did in the Crucible. Abigail had a hold on the town she lived in. It all started with her wanting to save herself. Branching out, down the road she accused others of witchcraft, saying they made her do these things that were frowned upon deeply. All because she wanted to save herself, many people were hanged in accusation of witchcraft. The power Abigail had given her the idea that she could make things go the way she wanted them to go. Only to make the decision to run away, because her power came to the dead end and the town was closing in on her. When criminals get away with something that is illegal, they get this feeling. This feeling says hey if we did not get caught this time, think of what else we can do. Thus, driving them farther and farther into that desire for more power. Power, it is like a drug, addicting. Most average people strive to be at the top of the chain. When they get that power, they want more and more. It is in the human nature. They always will want more until they have it all and then it drives them to do things they wouldn’t have done otherwise. Power corrupts the soul when you cannot control your

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