Essay On Gender Roles In Lawrence's Eve

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Adam put his first question that where are we Eve? Because they do not recognize this place properly and consequent upon, Eve replies that she also does not recognize this very place. That is the symmetry both of their understanding as they both have same feelings and understanding. (Nathanial Hawthorne, Tales and Analysis, 747).
Lawrence’s Eve and Adam feel lonely and frustrated due to their own personal reason, inter-subjectivity or intimacy while Hawthorne’s Eve and Adam are also having same lonely and mystery not due to their personal gulf and gape but they feel strange in this earthly place as they are in search of their identity and affinity with this new place. As they are suddenly transported from Eden Garden and they have a unique taste of this strange land. In this connection, they rambled around from place to place and their first visit is made in the market to malign their internal thoughts and
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Let’s examine both these stories and analysis the status of women.
Hawthorne produces classical and traditional literature and he introduces traditional and classical literature in the genre of American Literature. Hawthorne has portrayed women characters in various roles; some time they are shown as much suppressed, dark side of women in patriarchal, male dominant society; some time women are romanticized and overemphasized but they are depicted realistically according to the situation and showing true picture. But we have to be within the circles of these two stories of ‘New Eve and Adam’ by Hawthorne and ‘New Eve and Old Adam’ by Lawrence that how both these writers have depicted women?
In Hawthorne story ‘New Eve and Adam’ portraits to delineate and recreated Adam and Eve conjugal,

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