What Is The Importance Of Friendship In Huckleberry Finn

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In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck and Jim escape civilization together to float down to freedom on the Mississippi river. The river has its good times and bad ones to, but Huck pushes through like a good friend would. He also meets his childhood friend Tom but ultimately leaves all of this to go out west. Friendship plays a very important role; Huck develops many new friendships throughout the text including those with Jim, a runaway slave, Huck’s friend Tom Sawyer, from a previous book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and the mighty Mississippi River, a friend one minute and an enemy the next, and these friendships facilitate Huck’s maturity.
Huck’s friendship with Jim plays a important role in Huckleberry Finn. A example
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An example from the text would be when it says; “Cofound it, it’s foolish Tom. It don’t make no difference how foolish it is, it’s the right-way-and it’s the regular way”(Twain 204). In this quote Huck and Tom are making a plan on how to break out Jim. Huck is more of a realist with his plan making it simpler. Tom’s plan, on the other hand, is imaginitive, making it very complicated because they have to do it by the books. Huck realizes Tom’s plan is to complicated. He says something to him, but Tom disagrees. Here we can see that Huck is maturing because he detects that Tom still acts like a child with crazy ideas that will just make more work for them. While Huck makes a factual plan, which will be more effcient for Huck and Tom to break free Jim with. Another example which shows Huck’s friendship with Tom is ; “So then I judged that all that stuff was only just one of Tom Sawyer’s lies. I reckoned he believed in the A-rabs and the elephants, but as for me I think different. It had all the marks of a sunday school”(Twain 25 ). In this quote Tom told Huck that the tin lamp had genies so Huck went out in the woods to rub on it but no genies came out. Huck goes on to say that Tom was lying about it like he allways does and he doesn’t really imaginitive like Tom. This shows that Huck is maturing because he is realizing that Tom is not growing up like he is. Tom is still like a child with his creativeness …show more content…
An example from the text would be when it says; “She come smashing straight through the raft. I dived-and I aimed to find the bottom, too, for a thirty foot wheel had got to go over me, and I wanted it to have plenty of room. I could always stay under water a minute; this time I reckoned I stay under a minute and a half. Then I bounced for the top in a hurry, and blowed the water out of my nose, and puffled a bit”(Twain 105). This quote shows Huck maturing because he can adapt to whatever is thrown at him. In the quote Huck and Jim are floating down the river in dense fog and know there is something coming but can’t tell how close it is. Before they can paddle their raft out of the way it’s right there, so they bail and the raft is destroyed. Huck swims down to the bottom and waits for the boat to pass and then swims back up. Friendships have their good and bad times, this was a bad one but Huck adapts to the situation like any true friend would showing a great quality in him. This quality shows Huck is maturing. Another example which shows Huck’s friendship with the river is; “It’s lovley to live on a raft. We had the sky up there, all spackled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened”(Twain 129). This is when Huck and Jim are floating down the river enjoying life. They don’t have to worry about other

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