The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis Essay

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In “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” He is talking about his life and if he should go back or not and try to start over. He is constantly regretting what he hasn’t done and what he wants to go back to do. He doesn’t want to risk everything and go back to try to fix the things he hasn’t done yet. He wants to find love he wants to be a normal person but he doesn’t want to face the consequences of having to go back to find love. He knows what it’s like but doesn’t know the way to get back and even if he wants to.

He is constantly in regret due to all the things he hasn’t done yet and now is probably too late to do. Like when he says, “ Beneath the music from a farther room. So how should I presume” (line 53-54) . This whole thing kind of sets a sad regretful tone saying that he wish he had done what he hadn’t done when he needed to do it.
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Like in the story when he says, For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse” (line 48). He doesn’t want to disturb the universe by reversing the natural flow of things and try to find love. This decision takes up tons of his life and as soon as he made the mistake he realized and started thinking about the choice and the punishment that would follow. This makes him very nervous and he starts to second guess himself he wants to go and find love so badly but he know he will be punished severely. He also knows his time for this has passed he doesn’t want to interfere with the people that are still in their moment living their lives normally.

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” Is a story of love and regret. He is constantly regretting what he hasn’t done and what he wants to go back to do. He doesn’t want to risk everything and go back to try to fix the things he hasn’t done yet. He knows he is running out of time and has to do something now. He wants love so badly that he is pondering going back to fix his life and find love before he is too

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