To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee: Character Analysis

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The journal Psychological Science, researchers found that individuals who watch uplifting clips in movies, T.V. shows, etc. are more likely to act in a altruistic behavior soon after the clips. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus shows the whole town of Maycomb that anyone can have compassion towards one another, even those who seem undeserving. It is hard to care about matters in hand especially when other don’t support your proposition like in part one of To Kill a Mockingbird but by showing sympathy and compassion towards one another, others will be willing to do the same which will make the world a better place.

Atticus knew that defending Tom Robinson would be problematic. Harper Lee put Atticus in To kill a mockingbird in a very difficult position. Atticus talks about it with his brother Jack but there really wasn’t a lot to talk about. He told Jack “ The only thing we’ve got is a black man’s
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While they were running away from Boo Radley's backyard, Jem got his pants caught on a fence and decided it would have been fasted to take off the pants then find where it was caught. They all ran to the crowd round Boo Radley’s place without getting caught. Atticus saw Jem and asked about where his pants was, Dill quickly came up with a lie. He said “We were playin’ strip poker up younder by the fish pool.” ( Lee 54). Dill was trying to cover up the fact Jem lost his pants while they were trying to run away from Boo Radley’s back yard. He said that they were just playing a game and won his pants. Dill thought that it would have been better to lie to Atticus and the adults around than tell them the truth because they would have all gotten in trouble. It was a smart move for Dill, He have quick thinking and got to protect Jem and Scout from getting in trouble. It’s never right to lie but he did it for a good reason. This shows that sometimes it is okay to lie to protect

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