Vaccines Argumentative Essay

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Vaccines have many complications. This is true of vaccines for children. Vaccines cause more illnesses than they cure. Furthermore, vaccines do not always work how they are guaranteed to work. The many side-effects and the inefficiency of vaccinations are more problematic than the illnesses they are supposed to be preventing. Vaccines cause more illnesses than they cure. This is true of many families in North America. Vaccines, particularly the MMR shot, can cause autism in young children. Jenny McCarthy’s son, Evan, got autism after receiving the MMR vaccine. The toxin overload of metals and viruses triggered this dysfunction. Jenny McCarthy stated that she would rather Evan get the measles than autism. Vaccines violate the laws of natural …show more content…
Vaccinations for children under six months do not work. A baby being given the rubella vaccine can still contract the illness. Vaccines are supposed to stimulate the production of anti-bodies to cope with the invaders. Babies that are under six months and under can not produce anti-bodies. According to Dr. Kurt, a child’s immune system is immature until the age of two. Therefore, administering 36 vaccines by the age of 18 months is ineffective. Parents are not told this informations and, as a result, put their child at risk. Moreover, the efficiency of vaccines are not tested. Twelve year old girls are given three shots of the HPV vaccine. This vaccine is administered multiple times because the manufacturers are only claiming five years of efficacy. Twelve year old girls are being administered these shots that wear off in five years and are believed to contribute to cervical cancer. Why are these children being put at the liberty of these vaccines. Once they are FDA approved, the vaccines are not researched anymore because the manufacturers do not have to worry about law suits. Therefore, no studies are being made about the efficacy. Slide, why should the last shot be any different than the first two? Vaccines are not as effective as they are made out to

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