What Are The Pros And Cons Of Abortion Pro Life

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Abortion is a topic that raises many arguments. People from all over debate whether it is the mother’s right to decide what she wants for herself or whether it is a bad decision because the mother is killing a human being who does not have any say in the decision. There are two different methods of abortion, medical and surgical. Medical abortion is done by taking medications to induce labor; surgical abortion is done by either a dilatation and suction curettage procedure or a dilatation and evacuation procedure, it depends on how many weeks the mother has. Throughout the world some 20-30 million legal abortions are performed each year, with another 10-20 million abortions performed illegally. Abortion is a controversial issue in today’s society, raising many questions about moral implications, constitutional rights, and health issues. This issue raises many arguments about it being right or wrong. Roe vs. Wade is the case that made abortion legal. At the beginning of the 20th century it was illegal for woman to get abortions unless there life was in …show more content…
A person can either be pro-choice or pro-life. Someone who is pro-choice argues that it is the woman’s body and she could do what she feels with it. If she is not ready for a child, she should not have to carry the child. Another argument is the reason the woman wants the abortion. Many women are victims of rape and sometimes end up being pregnant. No woman wants to carry the child of the man that raped her. It can be very damaging for her to have to raise a child knowing that it was not conceived with love but with rage. Other women have reasons such as being unprepared. They may not have a stable job or a partner that will help. Women have different reasons for wanting abortions. The main point pro-choice debaters make is that it is the woman’s choice to have an abortion, every woman has the right to make their own decision, especially if it is about her

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