Who Is A Dreamer In The Great Gatsby

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“She’s a dreamer. A doer. A thinker. She sees possibility everywhere.” - Anonymous. For the past week I’ve done a lot of thinking about the American dream and what that means to me. This semester in school we read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald which is set in the 1920’s ; the American dream back then was all about money, who could throw the biggest party, have the best clothes, drive the best car rather than morals values such as hope and the pursuit of happiness. Now, almost a century later, the American dream has changed drastically. The American dream is no longer a society dream, but each individual has their own unique dream. My American dream may be a dream right now, but it won't be for long. I’ve thought about what my …show more content…
I want to always be filled with joy and let the light of God show through me in all that I do. I want to build a strong family full of love, honesty, and respect. My dream started out at a young age. When I was little, I often moved from home to home in a foster care system until eventually my aunt got full custody of me. Granted, I did not live with my birth parents, but life was good. We always had a variety of animals living with us: fish, birds, goats, dogs, cats, chickens, geckos, and just about any type of animal you could think of could be found at my aunt’s house. That’s where I learned that I had a passion for animals. I knew that I wanted to fulfill a career that let me work with them everyday. The pets I had always brought a smile to my face even on my worst days, and they gave me a sense of happiness that no one at the time did. Things got rocky as I got older living there. There was physical abuse but most was emotional. My mom by this time started to work to get custody back. To escape my emotions I often drank, smoked, and went to parties. This behavior continued after moving in with my mom. She is a carefree mother who doesn't really care about anyone or anything but herself. Of course I didn’t know that at the time. I had to move schools and meet new people, and I wasn’t good at doing so. Little did I know I would meet the love of my life, my guardian angel who I am now in a strong and wonderful relationship with. I was still in bad shape when I met him, but he was the slap in the face I needed. He was the puzzle piece that made all the other pieces come together. He helped me sober up and figure out my emotions. He told me what I needed to hear not what I wanted to hear. This brings me to the next part of my American dream which is to help kids who have been through what I have. I want to help them find positive ways to handle things. I want to let them know they are not alone,

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