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98 Cards in this Set

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What is the value of tan(45 degrees)?
Tan x = sin x / cos x

Tan (45) = sin (45) / cos (45)
= [(square root 2)/2] / [(square root 2)/2] = 1
Zero degrees equals what in radians? sin? and cos?
0 degrees = 0 radians

sin (0) = 0
cos (0) = 1
30 degrees equals what in radians? sin? and cos?
30 degrees = pi/6 radians

sin (30) = 1/2
cos (30) = (square root 3)/2
45 degrees equals what in radians? sin? and cos?
45 degrees = pi/4 radians

sin (45) = (square root 2)/2
cos (45) = (square root 2)/2
60 degrees equals what in radians? sin? cos?
60 degrees = pi/3 radians

sin (60) = (square root 3)/2
cos (60) = 1/2
90 degrees equals what in radians? sin? cos?
90 degrees = pi/2 radians

sin (90) = 1
cos (90) = 0
what does SOH-CAH-TOA mean?
SOH: Sin = Opposite/Hypotenuse

CAH: Cos = adjacent/hypotenuse

TOA: Tan = opposite/adjacent
1 gallon = how many quarts? pints? and ounces?
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints

1 pint = 16 fluid ounces

1 gallon = 128 ounces
What is the Order of Operations?
PEMDAS : "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"

What does cotangent equal?
cotangent = 1/tangent

or = cosine/sine
What does tangent equal?
tangent = sine/cosine
square root of 3 =
square root of 2 =
Calculate Radian Measure
Radian = Degrees x [(2 pi)/360]
Calcuate Degree Measure
Degrees = Radians x [360/(2 pi)]
cos (-X) =
cos (x)
sin (-X)
- sin x
Calculating Total Time
Total Time = (T1 x T2) / (T1 +T2)
36% of 18 is 18% of what number?
36%(18) = 18%(x)
36/100(18) = (18/100)(x)
x = (36/100)(18)(100/18) = 36

cosecant = hypotenuse/opposite

secant = hypotenuse/adjacent

cotangent = adjacent/opposite
Slope Intercept Equation
y = mx + b

m = slope
b = y-intercept

parallel lines have same slope
perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes
Distance Formula
Finds the distance between two points.

distance = square root of [(x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2]
Midpoint of a segment
average the x-coordinates and y-coordinates

midpoint = [(x1 + x2)/2], [(y1 + y2)/2]
Volume of a Cylinder
Given base radius r and height, the area of base is pi(r^2)

Volume of a cylinder = pi(r^2)h
Volume of a Cube
l, w, and h are all equall.

If e = length of each cube

Volume of a Cube = e^3
Volume of Rectangular Solid
Volume of Rectangular Solid = lwh
Volume of Any Solid
Volume = (base)(height)
Calculating diagonal distance from one vertices to another on a solid.
distance = square root of (l^2 + w^2 + h^2)
Surface area of a rectangular solid
Official geometric term for a box.

Surface area of rectangular = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh
Volume of a Pyramid
Given area of base and h,

Volume of a Pyramid = 1/3(area of base)(height)
Volume of a Sphere
Given radius r =

Volume of a Sphere = 4/3(pi(r^3))
Surface Area of Sphere
Given radius r,

Surface area of a sphere = 4(pi)(r^2)
Volume of a Cone
Given base radius r and height h,

Volume of Cone = 1/3(pi)(r^2)(h)
Lateral Area of a Cone
Lateral area of a cone = (1/2)cl

c = circumference
l = slant height
Area of a sector
Sector is a piece of the area of a circle.

If n = central angle of sector,

Area of sector = (n/360) x (pi(r^2))
Area of a Circle
Area of Circle = pi(r^2)
Length of an Arc
An arc is a piece of circumference.

Length of an Arc = (n/360) x (2 pi r)
2 x pi x r
Area of a Hexagon or Polygon
Area = [3 s^2 (square root of 3)]/2
Area of a Square
Area = side^2
Percent Formula
Percent = Part/Whole

e.g. If part = 3, whole = 4, then percent = 3/4 x 100 = 75%
Percent Increase
Percent increase = Amount of increase/Original Whole
Percent Decrease
Percent Decrease = Amount of Decrease / Original Whole
Average = Sum of terms / number of terms
Find the average of 12, 15, 23, 40, and 40.
(12 + 15 + 23 + 40 + 40)/5 = 130/5 = 26
Probability of one event
Probability = Possible # of desired outcomes / total # of possible outcomes
Probability of two events occurring
P = Product of the two events
Absolute Values
If n > 0,

1. [whatever] < n, then

-n < whatever < n

2. [whatever] > n, then

whatever < -n OR whatever > n
Rules of Triangles
1. Sum of three interior angles = 180
2. Measure of an exterior angle = sum of remote interior angles.
3. Measure of all 3 exterior angles = 360
4. Area = 1/2 (base)(height)
5. Each side is greater than difference and less than the sum of the other two sides.
Isosceles Triangle
Triangle that has two equal sides.
Not only are sides equal, but the angles opposite are equal (base angles)
Equilateral Triangle
1. Triangle with 3 equal sides.
2. Since all sides are equal, the angles are equal.
3. All angles measure 60 degrees.
Area of Equilateral Triangle
Area = [s^2(square root of 3)]/2

s = length of one side
Right Triangle
1. Triangle with a right angle.
2. Two sides forming Right angle = legs (can be used as base and height to find area)
Area of Right Triangle
Area = 1/2 (leg1) (leg2)
Pythagorean Theorem
For ALL right angles:

(leg1)^2 + (leg2)^2 = (hypotonuse)^2
Pythagorean Triplets
Set of Integers that fit the theorem:

(3,4,5) (9,40,41)
(5,12,13) (8,15,17)
45 - 45 - 90 triangle
sides = 1 : 1 : (square root of 2)
30 - 60 - 90 triangle
sides = 1 : (square root of 3) : 2
Area of Trapezoid
Area = [(base 1 + base 2)/2] x height
1. 4-sided figure with 2 pairs of parallel sides
2. Opposite sides are equal and opposite angles are equal.
3. Consecutive angles add up to 180.
Area of Parallelogram
Area = (base) x (height)
1. 4-sided, four right angles
2. Opposite sides are equal
3. Perimeter = Sum of 4 sides = 2l + 2w
Area of Rectangles
Area = length x width
1. 4-sided figure with four equal sides.
2. Also a parallelogram
3. Area is same as square
4. Just a square leaning over
Area of Rhombus
Area = length x width
If A is 40% C and B is 60% C, what percent is A of B?
A = 40/100C, B = 60/100C

(A/B)100% = 100% (40C/100)(60C/100) = 100%(40/60) = 100% (2/3) = 66 2/3%

If the lock above has the combination above, and the numbers range from 1-9, how many different combinations will not open the lock?
(9 x 9 x 9 x 9) - 1 = 6561 - 1 = 6560
Factor 13! + 14!
13! + 14! = 13! + 14!(13!) = 13! (1+14) = 13!(15)
How many different ways can 5 people be arranged in a line?
Answer = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
How many different ways can 9 people be arranged in a line of 4 people?
Answer = 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 = 3024
Little poor timmy has 9 trees of a different type. How many different combinations of 3 trees can be planted in front of richie rich's house?
Use combination formula:


Where N = large Group = 9
K = small group = 3

9!(3!(9-3)!) = 9!/(3!6!) =
= 3 x 4 x7 = 84 combinations
Of one of the three tree combinations above, how many different ways can they be arranged in a line.
3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 ways
2^(3x) = 8^24, what is x?
= (2^3)x = 8^24......8^x = 8^24

thus x must equal 24 in order for both sides of the equation to be equal.
LOG 1 = ?
LOG 10 = ?
Ln(e) = ?
If 10 = 100^x, what is x?
10 = 10^(2x)
LOG 10 = LOG (10^(2x))
LOG 10 = 2X (LOG10)
1 = 2X, thus X = 1/2
If 4a = (square root 8)(square root 2), what is a?
4a = square root (8 x 2)
4a = square root (16)
4a = 4, thus a = 1
What percent of X is Y?
If the wording seems confusing then just think of a familiar example and use the wording as a framework such as "what percent of 100 is 10" is in the form 10/100 x 100%, so pretend 10 = y and 100 = x and substitute in the appropriate fashion:

What is the volume of a cube with one side of length (Square root 2)?
Volume of a cube = s^3

(Square root 2)^3 = 2 (Square root 2)
What is the volume of a sphere with diameter = 18?
Volume o a sphere = 4/3 (pi(r^3))

Volume = 4/3 (pi)(9^3)
If you have 3 different pairs of shoes, 2 different ties, and 3 different shirts, how many different ways can you put on a pair of shoes, then a tie, then a shirt in that order?
3 x 2 x 3 = 18
If 0 < x < 1, for which of the following must y > x?

I. y = 1 - x
II. y = x -1
III. y = 1/x
III only
If one woodchuck can chuck wood at a rate of 1 hour/piece of wood, and another woodchuck can chuck at a rate of 2 hours/piece of wood, then how long would it take both of the woodchucks to church a piece of wood if they chucked wood together?
(T1 x T2) / (T1 + T2) = Total time

Total time = (2 x 1) / (2 + 1) = 2/3 hours = 40 minutes
If it takes 5 people 20 minutes to paint a cow, how long would it take 6 people to paint 1.5 cows?
Answer = 150/6

1. Determine how long it would take one person to paint a cow: (20 min/cow)(5 people) = 100 min/cow per person.
2. Then find out how long it would take one person to paint 1.5 cows: (100 min/cow)(1.5 cow) = 150 minutes
3. Since it would take 150 minutes for one person to paint 1.5 cows, the time would be reduced by 6 times if 6 people were to work together, thus divide the answer by 6.
If Israel is inviting 4 guests over, two of whom which are girls and two of whom which are boys, how many ways can he seat the guests along with himself onto a round table if no two guests of the same sex are to be seated next to each other?
2 x 2 = 4 possible seating arrangements
If 55% of 9t/5 = 33, then t must equal?
Answer = 100/3

(55/100)(9t/5) = 33
(9t/5) = 33(100/55)
(9t/5) = (300/5)
9t = 300
t = 100/3
A certain number is larger than 5 by the same amount that it is smaller than 3 more of 14. What is this number?
If a heart beats 144 beats per minute, how many times does it beat every second?
2.4 times
Enoch owns 2/3 of the stock at Heald College. If Enoch sells 1500 of his 2000 shares, approximately what percent of the college's stock does Enoch have left?
Answer = 1/6 or 16.67%

2/3 of total stock = 2000

total stock = 3000
2000 - 1500 = 500
500/3000 = 1/6 or 16.67%
Inscribed angles
Defined by two chords of the circle sharing an endpoint.

An inscribed angle is HALF the measure of the central angle intercepting the same arc.

angle BAC IIA) = (1/2) angle BOC
Formed when two secant lines of a circle intersect on the circle.
A chord of a curve is a geometric line segment whose endpoints both lie on the the curve.
Mapping the elements of a set to other elements of the same set. "exchanging" elements of a set.

n = size of the set (the number of elements available for selection), then the total number of possible permutations is equal to n!, where ! is the factorial operator.
Once n has been chosed, n - 1 elements are left, so for the second element there are only n - 1 possible choices.
How many arrangements can 6 people be seated around a circular table?
n - 1, where n = 6.

Therefore, (6 - 1)! =
5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 ways
Probability for "r" successes out of "n" attempts equation
p = probability of successes in a single trial
q = probability of failure (1 - p)

Probability of r successes out of n attempts formula =

Quadratic equation
x = [- b (+/-) (square root of b^2 - 4ac)] / 2ac