Chronic Pain Exercise Essay

Improved Essays
Exercises and Natural Remedies for Musicians With Chronic Pain

Musicians with chronic pain due to overuse, inflammation, and repetitive stress injuries suffer both physically and emotionally. After all, it is debilitating to experience such pain while performing your passions.

It’s also frustrating to visit with multiple medical professionals, only to hear that you will need costly surgeries, or worse, they recommend you give up what you love!

Fortunately, there are a number of natural exercises and remedies that can alleviate your pain while helping to prevent further injuries.


Including yoga in your daily practice will increase your mobility and flexibility. This exercise helps alleviate stiffness and pain in the joints, which
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Musicians tend to play with an asymmetrical alignment. For example, when playing guitar, the dominant hand will be fingerpicking while the other is fretting.

This creates an imbalance in the hands, arms, back, and shoulders. Finding a masseuse that understands your unique needs can reduce fatigue and pain and decrease the risk of further injury.

Natural Pain Relievers

There are a number of natural pain-relieving options available over the counter. These natural remedies provide alternatives to managing chronic pain and have fewer side effects than most prescription drugs.

Cayenne Cream

Cayenne cream contains the active ingredient, capsaicin, which is found in hot peppers. Capsaicin can be added to food or applied topically for its healing effects. When applied topically, it stimulates the pain points and provides more circulation to those areas.

(At first, the pain will increase, but it should decrease after initial use.)

Studies show that capsaicin also stimulates the release of compounds that communicate pain between the nerves in the spinal cord and to other parts of your body. When applied directly to the skin, this ingredient can reduce joint pain and nervous system

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