Texas Education History

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In 2010, the Texas Board of Education changed its social studies curriculum to have a more conservative spin. There has been much controversy over these changes in the curriculum because of the alterations about the course of history. Slavery and segregation have always been taught the same, they were time periods of suffering and unlawful discrimination; however, Texas has decided to alter these relatively well-known facts. Although some people have chosen to defend the adaptations made by the McGraw-Hill company, most have criticized the textbooks because of the downplay of abuse and suffering during the time of slavery. Because of the Texas Board of Education and statewide standards, many facts during the slave period have been altered …show more content…
The textbook company, McGraw-Hill, has spoken out about how it hopes to remedy this issue. In Kiah Collier’s Washington Post article “Some Texas School Leaders Brush off Complaints about Textbooks That Call Slaves ‘Workers,’” she remarks, “The strong negative reaction on social media has prompted McGraw-Hill, the textbook’s publisher, to apologize, correct the caption and offer either stickers to cover it up or corrected copies of the book to schools that want to replace their old ones” (2). And in Avianne Tan’s ABC News article “Texas Mother Who Sparked Change to Textbook ‘Downplaying Slavery’ Believes ‘More Needs to be Done,’” she discusses that the McGraw-Hill company has also vowed to make these changes immediately in the digital copy of the book and will be changed permanently in the next print of the textbook (2). One organization, the Texas Freedom Network, has commented that if these changes would have been unchanged, it may have confused many children. Like the Texas Freedom Network, many citizens are very content with the fact the McGraw-Hill company has decided to fix these issues. Some have voiced that these textbooks should be recalled and replaced, and some believe even the new revisions do not depict slavery as it should be. No matter the case, all of the people who have spoken up about this issue, have brought it to many

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