Jem's Morality In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Ever wondered about how Jem’s morality, and identity changed? Well, in the book To Kill a Mockingbird influenced Jem to change his ability to judge right from wrong, and how to be a Southern Gentleman. These are connected because both talk about Jem and his morality. Jem is Scout’s (the main character) brother. They all live in Maycomb County. Jem realizes about the power of racism and how it plays a big role in Maycomb, and in African-Americans lives. It also changes how people see themselves, and how other people see them. One example, was after the trail with Tom Robinson being convicted guilty. Jem says “It ain’t right,..”(p.284). This shows the idea because it shows how racism made Tom Robinson guilty just because he’s an African-American, …show more content…
Evidence for this is when Atticus told Jem to take Dill and Scout home, when they were at the courthouse(p.203) Dill is Jem and Scout’s friend who visits every summer. Scout and Dill would’ve listened to Atticus, but Jem wanted to stay with his father. As can be seen, Jem wanted to stay with his dad because he knew if he left Atticus and Tom Robinson would both be dead. In addition, when Tom Robinson was arrested for sexully harrased Mayella Ewell who was Bob Ewell’s daughter. It doesn’t specify how long Tom Robinson was in jail, but when it was time for the prisoners to go outside, the guards saw Tom trying to escape. The guards shot him seventeen times(p.315). In other words, that they didn’t bother trying to stop him without shooting him, or didn’t at least shot him in the arm or leg. The guards didn’t think it would matter if he was dead, since he’s an African-American.To summerize, Jem knew what was happening with his father and why the police officers shot Tom, before Atticus told …show more content…
Some evidence for this is when Jem was helping Scout get away from Bob Ewell (p.351). In the past, Jem might’ve been scared before when he heard someone walking behind them on their way home from Scout’s pageant, but he’s learned that there's bad people, and how he’s much stronger, and braver. Like a southern gentleman should be. Next, when Calpurnia, their black nurse, started calling Jem ‘Mister Jem’ and when Atticus allowed Jem to stay and watch the trail of Tom Robinson (p.153 and p.277). To illustrate, even Calpurnia and most people think Jem is old enough to bed called ‘mister’ and old enough to watch a trail. As previously stated, Jem learned a lot about identity, his morality and more about Maycomb itself. This is all important because it’s good to understand all the characters, even though some may not be that important. Some advice for the future is that lynching and racism happened still today, mayben not as often. But, it's best to help others in need even though people may look down at you, or if it’s dangerous where it could get you

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