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33 Cards in this Set

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Financial accounting

The primary focus of financial accounting is on the information needs of investors and creditors.the

The financial statements most frequently provided are…

Balance sheet

Income statement

Statement of cash flows

Statement of shareholders equityt

3 primary forms of business organizations

Sole proprietorship



Net operating cash flow

Net operating cash flow is the difference between cash receipts and cash disbursements from providing goods and services.

Net income

Net income is the difference between revenues and expenses.

Revenue-expenses = net income


Is a dynamic set set of both broad and specific guidelines that companies should follow when measuring and reporting the information in their financial statements and related notes

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

The FASB was established to set U.S. accounting standards.

Accounting Standard Setting

Back (Definition)


Predictive value

Confirmatory value



Predictive value

Confirmatory value


Faithful representation



Free from error

Hierarchy of Qualitative Characteristics of financial information

Back (Definition)

Enhancing qualitative characteristics





The qualitative characteristic that means there is an agreement between a measure, and a real world phenomenon is

Representational faithfulness

Relevance requires that information possess predictive, and / or

Confirmatory value

The two primary decision specific qualities that make accounting information useful are

Relevance and faithful representation

The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information

That is useful in decision making

Financial statements generally include all of the following, except

Federal income tax return

Going concern

The underlying assumption that presumes a company will continue indefinitely


The underlying assumption that assumes that the life of a company can be divided into artificial time periods

Revenue typically should not be recognized until

The seller has transferred goods or services to a customer


A chronological record of all economic events affecting a firm

The reason we post journal entries is to

Reflect the information in journal entries in ledger accounts

Current ratio

Total current assets / total current liabilities

Working capital

Total current assets - total current liabilities

Acid test ratio

(Total current assets - Inventory - Prepaid expenses) / Total current liabilities

Debt to equity ratio

Total Liabilities / Total Shareholder’s equity

Quick acid total

Total current assets - inventory - prepaid expenses

Restricting cause typically can be defined as

Cost associated with management plan to materially, change the scope of business operations, or the manner in which they are conducted

Operating cash flows would NOT include

Dividends paid

Cash flows from investing activities include

Payment for the purchase of equipment

Proceeds from the sale of Marketable securities

Cash outflows from acquiring land

In a period when costs are rising, and inventory quantities are stable the inventory method that would result in the highest any inventory is


The capitalized cost of land excludes

Property taxes for the first year owned