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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the study of blood?


What is a complete blood count?

How many white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin are in the blood - it is the type and number of these cells that shows up on the blood count

It gives the size of the blood cells etc

Changes in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) determine this type of condition?


What is hematocrit?

A blood test that measures the percentage of red blood cells in your blood - separating red blood cells from plasma

Higher than normal red blood cells can cause these conditions?

Dehydration and shock

Higher than normal red blood cells can cause these conditions?

Dehydration and shock

During infection these blood cells increase?

White blood cells

Higher than normal red blood cells can cause these conditions?

Dehydration and shock

During infection these blood cells increase?

White blood cells

White blood cells are also known as?


White blood cell increases during infection is also known as?


What is the purpose of neutrophils?

White blood cells that are the first line of defense to protect the immune system

What is neutropenia?

Low or abnormal amounts of neutrophils - weakened blood cells

This test is done to show if the blood capacity to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues?

Hemoglobin test

Name the blood clotting time tests?

Prothrombin time (PT)

Activated Partial Thromboplastin time (aPPT)

What is a prothrombin time test?

How long your blood takes to clot?

This test is done to evaluate or adjust dosages of anticoagulant?

Prothrombin time test

This test is used for monitoring clotting time during heparin therapy?

Partial thromboplastin time

Why is a blood chemistry test done?

Detect changes in biochemical reactions in the body to determine a diagnosis

Name the type of information that is found when a blood chemistry test is done?

Electrolyte balance

The body ability to metabolize nutrients

Function of the organs

If toxic substances are found in the body

Name the types of blood chemistry tests?


Bilirubin, ALT, ALP and albumin


Bun and creatinine

LhD, CK and troponins




Total protein

Uric acid

Food and drink are usually withheld for _____ to _____ hours before a blood chemistry test?

8-12 hours

How do you obtain a blood specimen for CBC, blood chemistry or serology tests?


Can you use the patients room as an identifier?


Name some qualifying identifiers?

Patients name,


Date of birth


The most common method used to obtain blood samples?

Vacutainer system

How many inches above the venipuncture site should you apply the tourniquet?

2-4 inches

Some glucose tests can be taken outside the lab using this method?

Capillary blood from fingerstick, test strips and from a glucometer

What is a serology test?

Blood test analysis of the blood serum for the presence of antibodies

What is a serology test?

Blood test analysis of the blood serum for the presence of antibodies that fights bacteria and viruses

What are antibodies?

Proteins made by the body’s immune system in response to fight of foreign substances such as viruses

Name some conditions that a serology test is done to search for antibodies?


Rheumatic fever



