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32 Cards in this Set

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Coefficient of Discharge

ratio of actual flow through the device to the ideal or theoretical discharge

Coefficient of Discharge

Measuring the total amount of fluid passes through the device for a known time

Coefficient of velocity

The ratio of the actual mean velocity to the ideal of theoretical velocity

Coefficient of Contraction

The ratio of the area of the stream or jet to the area of the opening or the orifice


Is an opening with a closed perimeter where the fluid flows

Laminar flow

Path of individual fluid do not cross or intersect


Laminar flow

Turbulent flow

Path of individual particles are irregular and continuously cross each other


Turbulent flow

Critical velocity

All turbulence are dumped out by the viscosity of the fluid


Reynolds number

Reynolds number

Ratio of inertia force to viscous force

Major head loss

Caused by pipe friction, uniform diameter and uniform roughness

Minor head loss

Change in velocity or directions pf flow, expressed in terms of kinetic energy

Darcy-weisbach formula

Pipe friction equation

Mannings formula

Open channel formulas and is commonly used in pipe

Hazen williams formula

Widely used in waterworks industry

Equivalent pipe

Pipe system to be replaced by equivalent single pipe

Specific energy

Energy per unit weight relative to the bottom of the channel

Uniform flow

Simplest of all open channel problem

Uniform flow

Velocity, depth of flow and cross sectional area pf flow at any point of the stream must be constant

Most effective cross section

Most economical cross sections

Most efficient cross section

Least wetted perimeter and least cost grading and lining

Open channel

The steam is not completely enclosed by solid boundaries


Study of the motion of fluid and of the interaction of the fluid with its boundaries

Law of inertia

The body at rest will remain at rest or in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by an external force

Law of force

Unbalanced force system, directly proportional to the resultant and inversely proportional to its mass

Law of stress

In every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Water hammer

Resulting shock in a pipeline caused by sudden decrease or stoppage of motion

Instantaneous pressure

Pressure increase reaches up to the pipe entrance

Rapid closure

Physically impossible for a valve to happen

Slow closure

Pressure produce decrease uniformly from the valve to zero intake