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16 Cards in this Set

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Name 3 types of fossil fuels

Oil, coal and natural gas

What are natural resources

Sources that never run out like wind or solar energy

What is the engine of our prosperity?

Fossil fuels

The Netherlands has a high level of development because of?

Fossil fuels

What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?

Too much co2 getting in the air and warming up the earth

Name 1 cause of sea levels rising

Water temperatures rising and the water expanding as a result of land ice and glaciers melting.

What is the biggest disadvantage of fossil fuels

They can run out

Why don’t we use wind energy to its max

No one wants a wind farm in their neighborhood and it is not always windy

Why doesn’t the Netherlands have solar parks

They’re too expensive

What is biomass

It’s burned up organic materials

What ‘solutions’ do we have for fossil fuels running out

Energy conservation and energy transition

Why is water such a big problem in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is below sea level

The ground in the Netherlands lifts 2 cm per year because?

There’s ice melting in Scandinavia which makes the country rise as there is no weight on it anymore

What is subsidence

Ground going below sea level

How is sea level rise fought

Making dikes and dunes stronger

Why do we use sand as protection

Sand breaks waves