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227 Cards in this Set

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Piece of my mind.

tell exactly what someone thought

I'd like to go and give Vance a piece of my mind.

اقول ما يدور في عقلي، أو اعطي جزء من تفكيري.

اقول بضبط ما يعتقده شخص ما.

لو بإمكاني الذهاب إلى فينس واقول له القليل مما يدور في عقلي .

A Wild Goose Mission To Chase.

Difficult mission.

My boss gave me a wild goose mission to chase.

مهمه صعبه .

رئيسي أعطاني مهمه صعبه


It was quite abrupt

Sudden, Unexpected

فجأه ، غير متوقع

I prefer natural to synthetic fabrics.

Man made

اصطناعي ,صنعه انسان

افضل الاقمشة الطبيعية عن الاصطناعية

I don't like this Reckless man


مستهتر، متهور


They live nearby here

مجاور ، قريب ،

يعيشون على مقربه من هنا

Once each year


مره بسنه ، كل سنه

Almost never


نادرا جدا



على نحو فضيع او رهيب


Today I couldn't stomach five years ago

معنى couldn't stomach : unable to tolerate something

عدم القدره على تحمل شيء ، بشق الأنفس , بصعوبه

She made her sweater


Knitted , محبوك ، مشغول بصناره

He watched the vase fly across the room, that's Peculiar.


غريب ، عجيب


The gruesome assault was captured by a security camera

شنيع ، بغيض



شنيع ، بغيض

Who spotted the plane firstly.

Observed, saw

مراقب، مشاهد

would you mind leaving you alone?

No, I like privacy


وحده ، عزله

Were to

They didn't even know whom they were to meet.

هم حتى لا يعرفون من سيلتقون .

Were to

تستخدم ايضا لتعبير عن المستقبل





act of crossing the street against a traffic light or in an area where there is no crosswalk

عبور الشارع بطريقة غير صحيحه سواء من امام الاشاره او غير طريق المشاه ، عبور الشارع بشكل عشوائي

He found the building be in Ruin


دمار ، خراب



عصبي ،









تسول ، شحده


Meeting, host, plot

اجتماع ، جمهور ،حشد

branch of biology dealing with plant life


علم النباتات


I wondered how you squandered your money on this old car.

يبذر المال

beat around the bushes

he is not a direct person

شخص بلف وبدور ، ما بحكي بالموضوع مباشره


Not friendly , unfriendly

منعزل ، انطوائي



بارد جنسيا ، فاتر


a person who constructs or repairs roofs.

قصير الاسقف ، سقاف


showing poor mental ability because of old age, especially being unable to think clearly and make decision

شيخوخي، خرف ،

Mental, عقلي ،فكري

ظهور ضعف في القدرة العقلية بسبب التقدم في السن، وخاصة عدم القدرة على التفكير بوضوح واتخاذ القرار بالمشاهدة

This liquid is inflammable

It will burn

سريع الاشتعال

His wages are not very high right now.


رواتب ، اجور

He fibbed when he said he had done his homework



I need to buy some new slacks.



He had crumbs all over his shirt and tie.

small pieces of bread

فتات الخبز

I sent for Mariah Carey's new CD.

Ordered by email

يرسل عبر البريد الالكتروني

I ran into an old friend of mine at Ingram Mall.

Meet by chance

يلتقي بشخص بصدفه

I dropped off during the history lecture.

Fell asleep

غلبه النعاس

He will transfer ownership of his business to his oldest son next month

Turn into

يحول ملكيه ل

The Captain reprimanded Lt. Jones during the company formation.

Called down

يوبخ ، يؤنب

He tumbled down the stairs.


يسقط ، ينهار

He created an interesting game for his students

Thought up

ابتكر ، انتج

He was very sick; therefore, he couldn't compete in the race


من ثم ، من اجل ذلك

compete ينافس

We always store our sweaters and coats during the summer.

Put away

وضع شيء في مكانه المعتاد ، لانو بالجمله موجود always يعني دائما بوقت الصيف بضب الشتوي بمكانو المعتاد

There was a trace of gunpowder on the corpse's right hand.

A tiny amount

مقدار ضئيل

كان هناك مقدار ضئيل من البارود على يد الجثه

My brother wrecked his car.


حطم ، خرب

My brother is going to run for mayor next year.

Campaign for office

يترشح ، يخوض حملة ترشح

I'm very perplexed about tomorrow's assignments.


متحير ، مرتبك

The score was tied at the end of regulation time



He flunked the test.


يرسب ب امتحان

After the accident, he was maimed.

Severely Injured

جروح خطيره

The villagers are rejoicing.


ابتهاج ، فرح

villagers قرويين

I am famished!


جائع جدا

Sgt Smith lobbed several grenades.


يقذف ، يرمي

الرقيب سميث رمى العديد من القنابل اليدويه

During the surprise inspection, the drill sergeants found some booze in the privates’ lockers.


الخمر ، مشروب

Lockers خزانه،صندوق

inspection تفتيش

Sorry, I'm a vegetarian. I can’t eat any veal


نباتي لا ياكل لحم العجل

The baby of a ram and a ewe is called


كبش ونعجه ram and a ewe

ابن الكبش والنعجه اسمو حمل

He is losing his hair.


فقدان الشعر ، صلع

Lt John drew a helix on the board as part of his presentation.



رسم التواء مزدوج على شكل حلزون

He has thick stubble today. I guess he forgot to shave this morning


لحية خفيفه Stubble

Regulation 31-17 is going to be rescinded.



Regulation, احكام

Joe committed arson.

burned down a building

إحراق المباني والممتلكات عمدا

The solder got stabbed in the guts.


امعاء ، احشاء

Stabbed طعنه

People are raving about the new Matt Damon movie.


يمدح ، يتكلم عن شخص او شيء بإيجابية

He hurt his shin. Where does he feel the most pain?

in his lower leg

ساق القدم

I think Mr. Smith is demented.



floor is filthy


قذرة ، وسخه

The police said that the victim was shot once in the temple.

This means the bullet entered the head

الرأس temple:head

The waves were so high that the lifeboat turned upside down.


انقلب القارب ، قلب القارب

She implied that I had plagiarized from an encyclopedia.


تهديد مبطن ، تلميح غير مباشر

The kids have been rowdy all day


مشاكس، فوضوي

How many offspring do you have?


ذرية، اطفال ، نسل

Joe’s plans fizzled


اخفقت ، فشلت ، خطه كانت ماشيه تمام وبعدها فشلت

The medic applied a tourniquet to stop the flow of blood.


الضغط ل ايقاف النزيف

The soldiers put their swords back in the


غمد السيف او جيب المسدس

Mink, sable, and ermine are all types of ....... that we can use for expensive,


Fur فرو

Sable fur فرو حيوان السمور

Ermine فرو حيوان القيقم

I was amazed by the intricate design in the mural.

elaborately detailed

مفصله بشكل متقن

A bugle call that signals the time for lights out (and can be heard at military funerals) is called


نفخ النفير ، او اشعار ل إطفاء الانوار بالمخيمات

The engine stopped operating at the exact moment that I started up the hill


توقف عن العمل

In prisons and jails, the inmates live in


زنازل ، زنزانه

The sergeant was charged with disobeying a lawful order from superior Officer


تمرد ، عصيان

Charged , متهم

Lawful, قانوني ، شرعي

superior officer, ضابط من كبار الضباط ، من الرتب العليا

At night, my grandfather always put the horses in the ....



Lilies and daffodils are types of.


Lilies زنبق

Daffodils نرجس

My mother wants new drapes for the living room


ستاره ، برداي

The vegetables were rotten


فاسده ، عفنه

All of the soldiers seemed sluggish during the parade practice.

slow and lazy

بطيئ وكسول

The company commanders have made some tentative plans about the parade participants.


خطه تمهيديه ، مبدئيه

وضع قادة السرايا خطه تمهيديه بشأن المشاركين بالعرض العسكري

These food items will spoil if you don’t keep them refrigerated.Make sure you use them soon.


قابل للفساد ، قابل لتلف

I don’t approve of the way Joe is always hoarding money. He’s always trying to get more. He tried to sell me some free books from the library.


انا بستسيغ هاي الطريقه ، جوي دائما بكدس المال .


Mary can write equally well with both her left and right hands.


Equally well, ambidextrous

تستطيع الكتابه بكلتا يديها ، بارعه بشكل استثنائي

The troops in the field need to take hot showers as soon as possible.

We are concerned about their


يجب على القوات الموجودة في الميدان أن تأخذ حماماً ساخناً في أسرع وقت ممكن. نحن قلقون بشأنهم.

النظافه الشخصيه

A bayonet most resembles


الحربة تشبه السكين اكثر

The soldier went AWOL


فار من الخدمه ، مروح بدون اجازه

The man got bitten by a poisonous snake.



Joe never drinks alcoholic beverages, so whenever we go out to eat

He orders lemonade

جوي ما بشرب المشروبات الكحولية ، هوا رح يطلب عصير ليمون

The stairs are dirty, they need……

To be washed

I am looking forward to

Seeing you

اتطلع لرؤيتك

They are twins

They lookalike

متطابق ، توأم

You need to improve the…….. of this letter because one or two things are in the wrong place


يشرح ، يفسر

However well written the play is, it will never succeed without outstanding


The radio transmission was garbled.


غير واضح ،مشوه ، حديث مخربط

Frank is teaching his sons to be thrifty.


مقتصد ، موفر

the air in the tires help to absorb shock

make the ride smoother

بمعنى بخلي السياره اكثر هدوء وسلاسه

this piece of wire must be insulated.


يغطي ، يعزل

the river was murky after the storm.

dark & dirty

عكر ، موحل

Monkeys like to show off.

attract attention

يلفت النظر ، يتباها

Don’t count your chicken before they hatch.

Don't assume you will have something until you actually have it.

يعني لا تفترض انك بتملك اشي وتصير تبني علي طموحاتك ، لغاية ما تحصل علي عنجد

That is a very complex aircraft.



I have no mileage in this issue.


صاحب نفوذ او وزن في مكان

they will wind up the meeting at 0830.



he gave a feeble excuse for his absences.


عذر ضعيف، غير فعال

I killed off that big bottle of mineral water.

I finished it

انهاه ، تخلص منه

where are your thigh and calf ?

they are part of your leg

فخذك و بطة رجلك

my back hurts.

It is very sore

He hardly worked

means that he worked very little

بالكاد عملت ، يعني قليل جدا

a canopy is designed to be

over your head

مظلة المحلات

fish do not have


السمكه ما بتملك اوتار

did you see how he leaped when he heard the news?



A vulture is most like a


Vulture نسر

Buzzard صقر

I don't care for anchovies on my pizza, and

neither do my brother

Anchovies , سمك الانشوفه ، سمك صغير

the weatherman says the snow and ice will melt by tomorrow



he resents the way he is treated by other people

he doesn't like it

مستاء او يكرهه

she wants to run for mayor next year.

she will seek the office

يترشح لمنصب سياسي

He swang his fist at me ,but he didn't hit me


Fist, قبضة اليد

Swang يضرب

how did he get the dent in his car?

he got backed into by another car

Dent, طعج او بعج بالسياره نتيجة اصطدام

رجع للخلف وصدم سياره

you look more slender now


نحيل ، نحيف

.While I was looking for my birth certificate, I came across some old pictures of my Grandparents.

Came across

يجد شيء بالصدفه

I don't like my steak well-done; I want it slightly cooked.


قليل النضج ، مش مستوي كثير ، بعدو مش مستوي

he was charged with murdering his neighbor

accused of

يتهم شخص بشيء

Murdering, جريمة قتل ، اغتيال

The mail was delayed for five days because of the blizzards.

held up

يؤخر ، يؤخر شيء

blizzards عاصفة ثلجية

I tore my pants on a protruding nail.


مزق بنطلونو المسمار البارز او المطعوج

Protruding nail , مسمار ناتىء، مطعوج

If you want to keep your pants up, but you don't want to wear a belt, you might want to wear suspenders


حمالة البنطلون

He shaved off his beard


السوالف ، سالف الشعر ،

The police will investigate the backgrounds of all new applicants.

check up on

يتحقق من شيء ، يتفحص

الشرطة رح تتحقق او رح تتاكد من خبرات مقدمين الطلب للعمل

Backgrounds خبرات

Applicants مقدمين الطلب للعمل ،طالب وظيفة

he swerved quickly so that he wouldn't hit the dog in the middle of the road


انحرف ،

هو انحرف بسرعه عشان هيك ما ضرب الكلب في وسط الشارع

the meeting has been postponed for two days.

put off

تأجل ، يؤجل شيء

most children are very inquisitive



After he finished eating his sandwich , he brushed all the crumbs off his shirt and tie

Crumbs off

فتات الطعام او الخبز

The test will start at 0745 exactly.



the teacher has trouble explaining his ideas to his student.

getting things across

يقنعهم ، يوضحلهم الفكره

Joe and Steve were feuding , but now they've become friends again.

made up

Feuding , ضغينه،حزازه،قطيعه

you can always rely on Susan to help you out in a crunch.

depend on

يعتمد على

He hit me with his fist.


Fist, قبضة اليد

I was thrilled by the good news.

Thrilled by

تحمس، اهتز من الفرح

He blushed when he was accused of flirting


احمر وجهه من الخجل ،

Flirting مغازله

Having been punished by the C.O. the private returned to his barracks

Having been punched

بعد ان تمت معاقبته من القائد العسكري عاد الجندي إلى ثكنته.

The C.O. /commanding officer قاعد عسكري

Barracks ثكنه

When the pencil lead is blunt,

It should be sharpened

Blunt , غير حاد

The car was stolen by a gang of professional thieves.

Was stolen

السياره سرقت بواسطة عصابة من اللصوص المحترفين

Gang عصابه

He is crazy



Joe is a highly-skilled mechanic


خبير ، ماهر

I have confidence in him

I trust him

انا عندي ثقه فيه

انا اثق فيه

Joe bears a grudge.

he doesn't forgive and forget

جوي يحمل ضغينه، حقد

لا يغفر ولا ينسى

Some politicians are corrupt


بعض الشخصيات السياسيه فاسدين

politician رجل سياسي ، شخصيه سياسيه

There's a new mechanic starting tomorrow morning. I want you to

check up on him on the forklift before

I assign him to a permanent job

Check up on

هناك ميكانيكي جديد سيبدأ صباح الغد. أريدك أن تتحقق منه او (تفحصو) على رافعة شوكية قبل أن أكلفه بوظيفة دائمه

The sky is getting dark, isn't it ?

Isn't it

before starting The test, make sure you have two sharpened pencils.


بعد before ياتي ing

.If today were Sunday, we would not be here.


جملة شرطيه تخيليه غير حقيقيه نستخدم were

There aren't any easy questions in life, are they?

Are they

لا توجد أسئلة سهلة في الحياة، أليس كذلك؟

It looks like a dead body lying in the middle of the street.


يبدو وكأنه جثة ملقاة في منتصف الشارع.

The teacher's desk looks tidy today.


يبدو مكتب المعلم مرتبًا اليوم.


Do you have some stamps I can borrow?

no, I don't have any

بنسأل ب some

وبنجاوب ب any

Which of these would not be a good pet for your little child?

A Cougar

أي من هذه الأشياء لن يكون حيوانًا أليفًا جيدًا لطفلك الصغير؟


We will make some amendments to the document.

we will make some changes to it


Generally, the examinations have 120 questions, but this one has 100.

This examinations has 100 questions.

بشكل عام، يحتوي الامتحان على 120 سؤالًا، لكن هذا الاختبار يحتوي على 100 سؤال.

some of the aspects of his talk have global applications.

Some of the

بعض جوانب حديثه لها تطبيقات عالميه

Although the enemy was strong ,they worked out very quickly.

Worked out

Worked out,, يتدرب

Bob is upset as the others, but he’ll speak Less angrily.

speak Less angrily.

بوب منزعج مثل الآخرين، لكنه سيتحدث بغضب أقل.

He is neither rich, nor poor.

Nor poor

لا غني ولا فقير

Early European settlers found that the Indians popped corn by means of heating them on stones.

By means of

وجد المستوطنون الأوروبيون الأوائل أن الهنود يفرقعون الذرة عن طريق تسخينها على الحجارة.

settlers ,مستوطنين ، مستعمرين

Everyone in the barracks reports to class on time.


الجميع في الثكنات يحضرون إلى الفصل في الوقت المحدد.

وضعنا s في report لأن everyone تعامل معاملة المفرد ، والجمله زمن مضارع بسيط

Had john been sincere, he would’ve told me the truth.

John didn’t tell the truth.

جملة شرطيه

لو كان جون صادقًا، لكان قد أخبرني بالحقيقة.

جون لم يقل الحقيقة.

Sincere, مخلص ، صادق

I am too tired to go to the movie with you tonight.


أنا متعب جدًا للذهاب إلى الفيلم معك الليلة.

I asked joe again if the accident wasn't his fault.


سألت جو مرة أخرى إذا كان الحادث لم يكن خطأه.

decided to open a bank account so that I can save money.

So that

قررت أن أفتح حسابا بنكيا حتى أتمكن من توفير المال.

If I have to sit in that hot classroom for another hour, I’ll fall asleep.

Drop off

يغلبه النعاس

If I have to sit in that hot classroom for another hour, I’ll fall asleep.

Drop off

غلبه النعاس ، يغفو

Most foreign visitors traveling to the us are required to have their index fingers scanned and a digital photograph taken to verify their identity at the port of entry.

Are required to

يُطلب من معظم الزوار الأجانب الذين يسافرون إلى الولايات المتحدة أن يتم فحص أصابع السبابة الخاصة بهم ويتم اخذ صورة رقمية للتحقق من هويتهم في منفذ الدخول.

Mr. parker needs some background for the story .

he needs some Past information

معلومات سابقه ، خبرات، تجربه سابقه

My sister and I share a room with each other

Each other

أنا وأختي نتقاسم الغرفة مع بعضنا البعض

On October 29, the Wall Street stock market crashed with disastrous worldwide effects. First in America, then the rest of the world, companies went bankrupt, banks failed and people instantly lost their life savings.

What is the main idea.

The financial and economical crisis has become rather universal.

في 29 أكتوبر، انهارت سوق الأوراق المالية في وول ستريت بشكل كارثي في جميع أنحاء العالم تأثيرات. أولاً في أمريكا، ثم في بقية العالم، أفلست الشركات، فشلت البنوك وفقد الناس على الفور مدخراتهم. ما هي الفكرة الرئيسية

Since the beginning of time, women Have been thought of as inferior to men

Have been thought

منذ بداية التاريخ، كان يُنظر إلى المرأة على أنها أقل شأنا من الرجل

inferior, ادنى ، اقل شأن

That pill brought john some relief.

He had less pain

جبلت تلك الحبه بعض الراحه لجون

The basketball player Compensated for his lack of height by great leaps.

Compensated for

يعوض عن

لاعب كرة السلة يعوض نقص طوله بقفزات كبيرة.

The instructor told the class that the accident happened because the safety rules were disregarded

The safety rules were ignored


The judge has a legal bases for making decisions.


القاضي لديه الأساس القانوني لاتخاذ القرارات.

The man wouldn’t carry out the order that he was given.

carry out


ولم ينفذ الرجل الأمر الذي صدر إليه.

The vehicles need armor to protect them from attacks.


تحتاج المركبات إلى دروع لحمايتها من الهجمات.

There is absolutely no mileage in pursuing that sort of discussion.

No interest

ليس هناك أي فائدة على الإطلاق في متابعة هذا النوع من المناقشة.

This book is banned in high schools.


هذا الكتاب محظور في المدارس الثانوية

محظور ، ممنوع

We can't send any message because our Transmitter is broken.


لا يمكننا إرسال أي رسالة لأن جهاز الإرسال الخاص بنا معطل.

جهاز ارسال

We live in house adjacent to the mosque.

Next to

مجاور، قريب

Who is your usual teacher.


بشكل معتاد ، منتظم

Doug selected a brown suit.



John bought some beans.

white seeds

فاصوليا ، بذور بيضاء

This is a general rule for the school

a rule of thumb

قاعدة عامه او عملية عن تجربه

If it doesn't clear up we want be able to go out.

the weather is bad.

طقس سيىء، غير صافي

the troops are being concentrated in this area.

come together.

تجمعت ، حشدت القوات في هذه المنطقه

the student will be dismissed from the class today.

thrown out.

سيتم رفض الطالب من حصة اليوم

Marlene looked at every detail of the machine.


يفحص شيء ، يعاين

John is watching while Bill is skating by himself.

Bill is slipping

جون يراقب بينما بيل يتزلج بمفرده.

يتزلج ، يتزحلق

the firecrackers that Jim gave me were duds.

did not explode.

المفرقعات النارية التي أعطاها لي جيم كانت عديمة الفائدة. ما فقعت

this weapon is for terrestrial use only

it is a ground weapon.

هذا السلاح للاستخدام البري او الارضي فقط

He broke away from the crowd.


هو فر او هرب من الزحمه او الحشد

Water is very scarce in some parts of the world.


شحيحه ، قليله

Cheetahs are characterized by their speed.

known for

تتميز الفهود بسرعتها

The patient has sensation in his arm.


لدى المريض إحساس في ذراعه.

احساس ، شعور

The electric timer was set beforehand.


تم ضبط المؤقت الكهربائي مسبقاً ، سلفا

Each day before the class begins the instructor call roll


كل يوم قبل بدء الحصة يبدأ المدرس ب اخذ الحضور والغياب

The band preceded the floats in the parade

the band led the parade

تقدمت(قادة) الفرقة العوامه في العرض العسكري .

قادة الفرقة العرض

She remains inconsolable for a long time after the accident


ظلت في حالة من عدم العزاء(من شدة الحزن ابت ان تتعزا) لفترة طويلة بعد الحادث

The new supervisor is a good Joe.


Joe شخص طيب القلب وحسن الطباع (زميل)

وممكن ان يعني Joe رجل او ذكر ، صديق ، زميل

That is amazing


مدهش ، مذهل

The commander okay to expenditure for the party.

agreed to cover the costs

القائد وافق على صرف المال من اجل الحزب

agreed to cover the costsوافق على تغطية التكاليف

It has been quite a while since I last saw him

A long way

الى حد بعيد

لقد مر وقت طويل منذ أن رأيته آخر مرة


noncommissioned officer




ترام نوع من القطارات


Ought to


The tag on the neck of my dress is irritating me




The town's annual picnic was called off due to rain


Keep your eyes in the road


بانتباه ، بعنايه



نظيف، مرتب



يخاف ، يفزع


Looks out

بالوجه ، وجه لوجه


frequently; on many occasions



occasionally; now and then; every so often; from time to time; once in a while
