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18 Cards in this Set

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Make up the hard keratin part of the hair shaft

Cuticle and cortex

Thickened basal lamina that separates the hair follicle from the surrounding connective tissue

Glassy membrane

Continuous with the epidermis

External rooth sheath

Contains cells with clear cytoplasm

Internal rooth sheath

Present everywhere except palms and soles. Becomes functional at puberty

Sebaceous glands

Cells containing glycogen and produce a watery substance

Clear cells

Cells containing glycogen and produce a watery substance

Clear cells

Cells that produce proteinaceous substance

Darker cells

Cells containing glycogen and produce a watery substance

Clear cells

Cells that produce proteinaceous substance

Darker cells

Cells that surround gland

Myoepithelial cells

Glands located in axilla, areola of breast, and anal canal

Apocrine sweat glands

Have larger ducts and secretory units than eccrine glands


Layer of epidermis that has cuboidal to columnar keratinocytes one layer thick

Stratum basale

Layer of epidermis with melanocytes and merkel cells

Stratum basale

Layer of epidermis with melanocytes and merkel cells

Stratum basale

Layer epidermis whose area is subjected to more mechanical pressure and cells shrink during processing

Stratum spinosum

Granules that are large, basophilic

Granules that are small that contain lipid

Keratohyaline; lamellar