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16 Cards in this Set

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- Rate of flow of electrons

- Measured in Amps (A)

- Given symbol (I)

Charge flow

- Number of coulombs of charge in a given time.

- Measured in coulombs (C)

- Given symbol - Q

Potential Difference / Voltage

- The energy transferred by each coulomb of charge

- Measured in (V)

Series circuit

- The current has one path to travel so it is the same throughout.

- The voltage supplied by the battery = The total voltage of all the components. Voltage is shared.

- To find the resistance add up the resistance of the resistors.

Q = _______________

Q = I x T

Coulombs , Amps , seconds

Charge = Current x Time

Current = Charge / Time

Time = Charge / Time

Parallel circuits

- Current has more than one path to follow. So, the current supplied by the battery = total current of components.

- Voltage / Potential difference is the same throughout a parallel circuit.

- 1/Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 etc


How easily electricity can pass through a component. It is measured in ohms. given the symbol (R).

V = __________________

V = I x R

Volta, Amps, Ohms

Voltage = Current x Resistance

Current = Voltage / Resistance

Resistance = Voltage / Current

Work Done = _____________

Work done = Voltage x Charge

What does the Graph show?


- Current is directly proportional to the voltage.

- Follows Ohm’s Law

What does the Graph show?

Filament Bulb

- At low voltages the current is directly proportional to the voltage.

- But at high voltages the resistance is high so we get a curve.

What does this graph show?


- Current is zero in a backwards direction

- In a forwards direction at bigger voltages the current increases proportionally

What does this graph show?


At low temperatures the resistance is high. At high temperatures the resistance is low.

What does this graph show?

LDR (light dependent resistor)

At low levels the resistance is high. At high light levels, The resistance is low.

V = _________________

V = E/ Q

Volts, Joules, Coulombs

Voltage = Energy / Charge

Energy = Voltage x Charge

Charge = Energy / Voltage

Van der Graph Generator

- moving belt

- electrons pass from top plastic roller onto the belt makes it positively charged

- gives electrons to dome to make it positively charged.

- when we touch it the electrons inside of us are deposited onto the dome that is positively charged

Then our hairs repel against our head and each other to stick up as they are negatively charged.