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3 Cards in this Set

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When is a second alarm to be transmitted by the IC at an AFA?

- Where fire or smoke is observed showing from or above the fourth floor of any building or persons are reported as being still within the building

- observation of increasing multiple zones activating on the FIP on arrival

- if persons are reported

In regards to Health Care buildings, what shall the IC determine?

- nature and location of the incident

- extent to which on-site staff has implemented emergency plans

- whether special circumstances apply, ie operating ward / intensive care unit etc are involved

- that every effort is made to maintain essential emergency systems

- whether emergency safety equipment has activated (fire doors etc)

- name and location of the most senior premises management person at the scene

Resetting and Isolation Alarms

MFS OR COMCEN PERSONNEL MUST NOT COMMENT ON WHETHER A CHARGE IS APPLICABLE - direct person to monitored alarms section of website

- if cause of activation is identified and the condition that caused the activation is no longer present, it must be reset

- if the condition causing activation is still present or will continue to exist, it must be isolated. Management can reset once problem is fixed

- alarm must be reset where cause of activation is undetermined, if it activates again within 24 hours and is still undetermined it can be isolated

- any alarm unable to be reset must be isolated

- if cause is unknown and alarm is faulty, the IC shall request management for it to be fixed

- If alarm has been isolated the IC shall inform management the premises will be without automatic coverage

- IC is to complete SP 135 and AIRS report. If IC can’t contact management they shall request Comcen to do so