Dime De Pierre Quion Rhetorical Analysis

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Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres. The people we surround ourselves with on a daily basis are the ones that reflect what type of person we are. With our company, it is easy for people to judge the characteristics of those around us, and assume we those same qualities it is important that we are able to be surrounded by people who bring positive influence to make the right decisions in life, and so that others will not think poorly of us. Basically, the people one surrounds themselves with determines what type of person he or she is in daily life are. Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres, reminds a person that the people one considers friends determines what type of person one truly is at heart. The wrong crowd can influence …show more content…
“The old axiom is true, birds of a feather do flock together —and that’s especially accurate in adolescence”(Lehman). Meaning that the people who hang out together do the same things as each other. The people we consider to be friends are the reflection of the person. The ones that a person surrounds themselves with are an exact reflection of how they are portrayed to others. It is important that people are surrounded by all good things in life, so that they will not follow in the wrong footsteps. If people were to be surrounded by others who are always joyful, do good in school, and make good choices they will be able to instill those great characteristics into that person. If someone were to be surrounded by people who are not kind to others, not do good in school, and make the wrong choices that person would start to reflect that poor behavior. When on being surrounded by the people ones consider friends, they start to adapt to the characteristics around them, which will lead them to reflect on those traits. The people ones consider to be friends are basically supposed to have the same characteristics as them. Those people surrounded by them are the ones that help what type of person they are. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” says American entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn.”(Leon).That is why it is important that people are able to …show more content…
People will judge because of those around that person. People will always judge one with who they surround themselves with, no matter what type of scene they are part of. If people think that one is a nice person they will automatically think that one surrounds themselves with nice people, or if they think one is mean they will assume that one’s friends are mean. People judge others for one’s friends or how that person portrays themselves to that person because that’s what others will always assume. It is prime that people are out with those who are making the right choices, so people will assume that one is around those who are the same. One will always be portrayed a certain type of way. People will assume that one is bad or good because of their friends or their characteristic they show to

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