Christmas Scrooge Character Analysis

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Scrooge almost always hated Christmas and because of 4 certain visitors he had a change of heart. He was given a chance of being happy at Christmas and took the chance and in the end he had the best Christmas. The ghosts gave him a chance to see what he had done to the people he loved and gave him a chance at having a lovely time and a future with people he loves.
The first ghost that came was marley who was then followed, but the Spirit of Christmas Past and then the Present then the Future and they all showed him how Christmas is a happy time if you just relax and enjoy the time you have with the people you love.
Marly’s ghost was the the first to visit Scrooge to show him the length and weight of his chains that he
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The spirit then took him to the cemetery to show him a headstone that said “ Here Lays Ebenezer Scrooge” and he didn't quite understand what had happened to him and why he died and so Scrooge felt sacred of what was going to happen next and when Scrooge was looking over into the ground the spirit then went up behind him and pushed him when he hit the bottom he then woke up in his room. In conclusion Scrooge began to think that if he was going to miserable he was not going to enjoy his life in the future and he might not have want to see Tiny Tim die and the fact that everyone didn’t care that he died and that the maids and cook were trying to sell his stuff and no feeling at all sad that he died might make a little bit

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