The Failure Of Socialism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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In Animal Farm, George Orwell uses animals to play human-like roles in a socialist form of government. The pigs hide behind the lie that all animals are equal, and are constantly changing the rules to make life better for them without the rest of the farm realizing it. While the pigs live in the farmers house, eating platefuls of food on a table, sleeping in beds, and wearing human clothes, the rest of the animals work hard outside building the windmill with limited food rations and sleeping on stacks of hay in a cold farmhouse. However the pigs say they are in the farmhouse developing plots to keep the farmers from coming back to the farm and reclaiming it it, and the animals are fearful this might occur. This story represents Joseph Stalin's …show more content…
Perry alludes to the idea that if socialism were such a great form of government, then Haitian refugees would not risk traveling to the United states, where capitalism is in effect, but to the “workers paradise,”as he calls it, of the socialist country Cuba. Perry concludes that Socialism was a failure because incentives are ignored. Examples of incentives include market prices, the profit and loss system, and private property rights, to which he says that capitalism is most successful because it puts these three first. Having prices that react to supply and demand greatly help the economy in a capitalist government. When the amount of the product decreases, the price increases, which keeps the market stable with around the same amount of income as it would be if the demand wasn't as high. A socialist market keeps a set price for all products, hiding the demand of the object, and losing profit. Lack of private property is another flaw under socialism. Due to the socialist belief “ everything is equal,” there are no private properties, allowing everything to be used up by the public, with no one to assume responsibility to maintain the

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