What Does Basil Hallward Say About The Nature Of Good And Evil

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Secondly, Basil Hallward, is a man who believes the goodness of mankind. He was a good man living in a bad world. He continues to have faith in the possibility of redemption and he’s a firm believer, in high-minded , pure value and love for all human regardless who they’re. I can even say that, he was an angel compared to Lord, who has shown nothing but bitterness on the face of the earth. Even though Hallward thought he isn't doing his best when it comes his life and his relationship, but others are out there to remind him how great he was great he was. “"I hate the way you talk about your married life, Harry," said Basil Hallward, strolling towards the door that led into the garden. "I believe that you are really a very good husband, …show more content…
Your cynicism is simply a pose." (chapter 6)Basil, tends to confuse somethings, since Dorian continues to be beautiful, basil also thinks he is also innocent and truth and loving person. Basil refused to believe Dorian and Henry are bad people and he said“Mind you, I don't believe these rumours at all. At least, I can't believe them when I see you. Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man's face. It cannot be concealed. People talk sometimes of secret vices. There are no such things. If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the droop of his eyelids, the moulding of his hands even." these clearly shows he has good in them, even though they’re lives was full of bitterness, hate and ignorance. As Henry and Dorian drift further a way from Basil, simply his good faith and treating others how he would like to be treated. Sometimes, in life people wouldn’t like your goodness and being decent human being. Hallward, knew the big influence was coming from Lord Henry who doesnt care the life of others, but he raised his voice but didn't do any action. Hallward said “ "Dorian Gray is my dearest friend," he said. "He has a simple and a beautiful nature. Your aunt was quite right in what she

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