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12 Cards in this Set

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Condition in which there will be multiple warty growths on vulva and around anal canal and what is it caused by ?

Condyloma accuminata (or venereal warts), caused by HPV

Characteristics of chancroid and its causative organism

chancroidAppear as papules and develop into painful pustules.Associated with unilateral lymphadenopathyCaused by Haemophilus ducreyi

Ideal agent for distension in case of hysteroscopic polypectomy , while using Bipolar electrocautery ? Why ?

Normal saline, since it, being an electrolyte, conducts electricity

Ideal agent for distension in case of hysteroscopic polypectomy , while using Monopolar resectoscope ?

Non-electrolyte solution like Glycine, CO2

Stage 2B cervical carcinoma is advised for radiotherapy, what are point A and point B regarding this radiotherapy ?

Point A is location at 2cm above and 2cm lateral external osPoint B is location at 2cm above and 5cm lateral external os

What exist at point A and point B (regarding radiotherapy in cervical carcinoma stage 2B) and how much radiation do they acquire ?

At point A - Paracervical/parametrial lymph nodes. 7000-8000 cGyAt point B - Obturator lymph nodes. 5000-6000 cGy

What does parity score indicate ?

parity score indicates a number of previous pregnancies that has progressed beyond viability period that is 28 weeks

38 week pregnant (this is second pregnancy) came for OPD check up. She had previously delivered twins in her first pregnancy . What is her gravida and parity score ?


In radiotherapy, what is the relation between intensity and squared distance ?

inversely proportional

How are stages III and IV endometrial cancer treated ?

Since they are inoperable, they are treated with Brachytherapy followed by External beam radiation. Brachytherapy is placing radioactive seeds close to tumour.

4 Emergency post-coital contraceptives

Ru486 (mifepristone) - 25 mg single dose



Yuzpe method : High dose oestrogen-progestin pills

What is Danazol and where it is used ?

It is a drug with androgenic activity. It is used inendometriosiscyclic mastalgia abnormal uterine bleeding