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51 Cards in this Set

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giving in to the demands of aggressors
popular art form that emphasizes changing light
form of socialism that allows some private property
desire to be free from a standard
the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia
Munich Pact
Where did a miraculous evacuation of trapped French and British troops occur?
What is the Allied strategy in the Pacific called?
Name the American president at the close of WWII who decided the use the atomic bomb.
Harry S. Truman
Who led the Communist forces in the Chinese civil war?
Mao Tse-tung
What has been the most powerful conservative force through the ages?
the Bible
What nation other than Germany invaded Poland, precipitating WWII?
Soviet Union
What was the mass slaughter of over 6 million Jews?
the Holocaust
Who was the promoter of progressive education?
John Dewey
What is the date for the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
December 7, 1941
Name the converted basketball player who became a popular preacher in America.
Billy Sunday
What philosophy says that nothing can be known except for observable scientific facts?
What tiny nation that was invaded by Italy in 1939?
Francisco Franco led a revolution where?
Who was the existentialist that said to take a "leap of faith" since nothing can be known for sure?
Soren Kierkegaard
The Spanish artist ____ is known for excelling in the Cubist style of art.
Pablo Picasso
What general nicknamed "The Desert Fox" for his cleverness in desert warfare?
Erwin Rommel
Claire Chennault led the Flying Tigers against the Japanese in ____.
What was May 8, 1945?
V-E Day
Who did not work on the Manhattan Project?
R.A. Torrey
America's most beloved illustrator
Norman Rockwell
philosopher that declared "God is dead"
Friedrich Nietzsche
The city of ____ was the first city destroyed by an atomic weapon.
The ____ became the world's banker in the 20th-century.

United Sates

Prime Minister _____ negotiated the Munich Pact with Hitler.
The Chronicles of Narnia was a series of books written by _____.
C.S. Lewis
The Great Depression began on _____.
October 29, 1929
turning point of the war in the Pacific
last great German offensive in the West
failed invasion of Great Britain
began the liberation of the Philippines
Leyte Gulf
costly victory for the Russians
Where were the Nazi crime trials held after the war?
The ____ Peace Pact was an attempt to "outlaw" war.
D-Day was the great amphibious assault on ___, France.
Great concessions were made to Stalin at the meeting where?
led the Free French
Charles de Gaulle
great preacher called the "Prince of Expositors"
G. Campbell Morgan
wrote The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
fascist leader of Italy
Benito Mussolini
"Apostle to the Skeptics"
R.A. Torrey
held power in Japan
Hideki Tojo
"Der Fürher" who began the Third Reich
Adolf Hitler
commanded American forces in the Pacific
Douglas MacArthur
wrote the devotional classic My Utmost for His Highest
Oswald Chambers
leader of Vichy France
Henri Pètain


Discuss the beliefs of three false philosophies and explain why each philosophy is wrong. How did the belief in this philosophies contribute to WWII?

Charles Darwin puts man at the animal level and encourages the cruel survival of the fittest. It was called Darwinism and it caused some people to turn to psychology and not believe in the existence of a personal God. We know this is not true because the Bible places us above animals and that everything else on earth is for man to enjoy, not compete with.

Sigmund Freud thought man was produced by evolution and was just a highly developed animal. He formulated a system called psychoanalysis which puts the responsibility of man's actions on subconscious physical drives or irrational fears. He thought that man was not responsible for his actions and that you could blame your subconscious drives. This is wrong because the Bible tells us God mad man and we did not evolve from an animal. God also tells us we are responsible for our actions and when we do things bad and feel guilty we are to repent.

August Comte formulated a form of empiricism, that he called positivism. It was the belief that nothing can be known except for observable scientific facts. He thought all knowledge was confined to only what humans senses could observe and anything else that was spiritual was ignored. According to him mankind or nature obeyed a superior will, like God. This is wrong because we know that God controls everything and we are supposed to obey His laws.