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10 Cards in this Set

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The study of causes
Primary Cause
the cause that has to exist in order for the disease/disorder/ etc. to develop
To get the flu, you have to be exposed to the virus
Also use the terms necessary and sufficient
The cause is necessary but not sufficient enough by itself to develop the disorder/ disease
Predisposing Cause
One that makes you vulnerable, it sets you up from developing the disorder/disease
Weak immune system may indispose you to getting the flu.
It is not necessary and is not always sufficient enough to cause the disorder
Precipitating Cause
the trigger/ activator. What happened just prior to the event.
Not necessary and not sufficient in and of itself
Reinforcing Cause
Maintaining Causes, causes that perpetuate the problem.
Also referred to as Secondary Gains. (not wanting to go back to school after having tonsils out because of the home life)
Not necessary or sufficient
Etiological Factors
Chromosomal Anomalies
Faulty Genes
Constitutional Factors
Physical Handicaps
Brain Dysfunctions
Primary Reaction Tendency
Physical Deprivation
Chromosomal Anomalies
Klinefelters (Male)
Turners Syndrome X (Female)
Web Neck
Poor Visual Spatial Abilities
Fragile X
Second leading cause of Mental Retardation
X chromosome looks deformed
Causes more problems in males because they only have one X chromosome
Trisomy 21
Down Syndrome
Macho Man Syndrome
Polysome Y
Men tend to larger
Have problems with acne
Thought it caused men to become criminals
Lower intellectual capacity
Faulty Genes
Recessive Genes
Tend to be worse, natural selection tries to weed it out of the gene pool
Dominate Genes
Wipes itself out
Huntington's doesn't manifest itself until late 20's, 30's after the person has had children and passed on the gene
Born with bigger spaces in the brain
No Individual genes identified that relate to the major psychological disorders
Many genes combine making small contributions
Constitutional Factors
Biggest kid on the block gets to ride the tricycle. Growing up, person does not learn how to give and take and compromise. Could lead later to problems.
Less likely to develop mental illness
If fall ill, they get better faster and suffer through the illness less
They get more perks and attention
They get better faster because people want to help them
Symmetry in the face is the most attractive
Its easier on the brain
Physical Handicaps
Puts people more at risk for mental illness