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64 Cards in this Set

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Financial Accounting Standards Board


Nongovernmental (NFP)


Governmental Accounting Standard Board

State and local gov

Governmental (NFP)

Governmental NFP

no ownership

expenses incurred to provide benefit

revenues and expenses arent linked

donors can direct spending

special purpose gov

provide a single function or limited range of functions


sets standards for fed gov and its agencies and departments

both internal and external financing

general purpose gov

provide a wide range of services

Reason for NFP organizations report expenses

for donors who want to see how they are allocating their money

GASB's concept of Accountability

-cornerstone of all financial accounting

GASB's concept of Accountability

based on the belief that citizens have the "right to know"

GASB's concept of Accountability

the right to receive openly declared facts that may lead to public denotes by citizens and their elected representatives

interperiod equity

current year revenues are sufficient to pay for services

fiscal accountability

Fund financial statements

operational accountability

Gov-wide statements

Business (for profit)

publicly held (corporations)

privately held (partnerships)

Nongovernmental (NFP)


tax exempt

Governmental (NFP)

general purpose (states and cities)

special purpose (colleges and hospitals)

State and Local Gov

use resources such as taxes, fees,and fines

provides services to citizens

no ownership

must have a budget

Governments can act like:




Governments can act like:


by collecting taxes, fees, fines, and licenses

provide services w/no fee

such as education, public safety, social services

Governments can act like:

services for a fee

such as public transportation and recreational activities

Governments can act like:


managing money for another entity

acts like a caretaker

Current financial resources

reports inflows/outflows of current resources

what resource measures fiscal accountability

current financial resources

how are Government fund financial statements accounted for

modified accrual accounting

measure fiscal accountability

Current financial resources

reports inflows/outflows

measures FISCAL accountability

uses modified accrual accounting

Economic resources

report NI, financial position, and cash flows

ALL current and LT resources

what resource measures operational accountability


how are Gov-wide, proprietary, and fiduciary funds accounted for

full accrual accounting

measure operation accountability

net position is found on which statement

balance sheet

statement of activities is found on which statement

income statement

economic resources

uses full accrual accounting

reports NI, financial position and cash flows

ALL current and LT resources

measures operational accountability

Governmental Funds

1) General

2) Special Rev

3) Capital project

4) Debt service

5) Permanent

General Fund

bulk of all activity is recorded here

records of current financial resources

-modified accrual

Special Revenue Fund

collection to a dedicated use

-modified accrual

Capital Project Fund

money available for use in a building

-modified accrual

Debt Service Fund

keeping track of how much is owed

-modified accrual

Permanent Fund

money set aside for investments to generate capital gains, dividends, and interest

-modified accrual

Proprietary Funds

act like a business

1) Enterprise

2) Internal

Enterprise Fund

business that serves everyone

-full accrual

Internal Service Fund

business is only for city

-full accrual

Fiduciary Funds

manages other entities money

1) Agency Fund

2) Trust Fund

Agency Fund

sales tax divided up into different parts for the state

-full accrual

Trust Fund

different entities putting money and allowing the gov to control it


-full accrual

Proprietary Financial Reports

-net position = A=L+NP

-rev, exp, and change in NP

-full accrual

Fiduciary Financial Reports

-stmt of fiduciary NP

-stmt of changes in fiduciary

are fiduciary financial reports reported on the Gov-wide fund?

No, because they are assets belonging to other people. they are not the entities own assets

3 categories of net assets


-temporarily restricted

-permanently restricted

unrestricted net assets

no restrictions, can use money for anything

included in operating activities

temporarily restricted net assets

money used for a specific purpose

donor put restrictions on use, can be used only for specific purpose

included in financing activities

permanently restricted net assets

money can not be spent, but can be used to generate capital gains, dividends, or interest.


included in financing activities

Sources of revenue for Nongovernmental Non profits

Donations and Grants= voluntary

Investment Income

Fees for Services

Other Revenue



recorded as revenue when received, promised, or pledged, and if gift is unconditional

J/E for receiving a pledge

Pledges Recv 10,000

Contributions Rev- UR 10,000

J/E for a Contribution

Cash 10,000

Contribution Rev- UR 10,000

J/E for a Good

recorded at Face Value

Inventory 10,000

Contributions Rev- UR 10,000

J/E for Property

recorded at Face Value

Equipment 10,000

Contribution Rev- UR 10,000

it would be TR if item is used for a specific use

J/E for Securities

recorded at Market Value at receipt of date

Investment/Stock 10,000

Contributions Rev 10,000

J/E for Services like volunteering

Expense 10,000

Contributions Rev- UR 10,000

-record what you would normally pay someone and if the labor requires a special skill

Special Events

are recorded net of cost of the event


Programs Services



Program Services

directly related to the mission/service


asking people for money


O/H and other general expenses

For expense to be reported as program services expenses, they must meet the following criteria

Purpose- furthers mission

Audience- not just donors

Content- call for action