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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the health-fitness performance continuum based on?

The premise that exercise should follow a progression that first improves health, then develops and advances fitness, and finally enhances performance.

What is the foundation of the ACE IFT Model?


What are the two principle training components of the ACE IFT Model?

1) Functional movement & resistance training

2) Cardiorespiratory training

After 2-4 weeks of training, clients will generally experience more stable positive moods due to ...?

1) Changes in hormone neurotransmitter levels

2) Increased self-efficacy

3) Improved performance due to positive neuromuscular adaptations

What is the core of human movement?


Muscle imbalances, weak core muscles and/or postural deviations put clients in poor postural health, which increases the risk for what?


What are the 4 phases of the functional movement and resistance component of the ACE IFT Model?

1) Stability & Mobility training

2) Movement training

3) Load training

4) Performance training

What is Phase 1 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Stability and Mobility training

What is the focus of Phase 1 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

The introduction of low-intensity exercise programs to improve muscle balance, muscular endurance, core function, flexibility, and static and dynamic balance to posture.

What 4 types of assessments should be conducted early in Phase 1 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?




ROM (Range of movement)

What is the principle goal of Phase 1 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

To develop postural stability throughout the kinetic chain without compromising mobility at any point in the chain.

What exercises are ideal for Phase 1 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Exercises that emphasize supported surfaces that offer stability against gravity and focus on restorative flexibility, isometric contractions, limited ROM strengthening, core activation, spinal stabilization, and muscular endurance to promote stability.

What is Phase 2 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Movement training

What is the primary focus of Phase 2 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Training movement patterns

What are the 5 primary movements of exercise?

1) Bend and lift movements (e.g squatting)

2) Single-leg movements (e.g lunging)

3) Pushing movements

4) Pulling movements

5) Rotational movements

What should exercise programs during Phase 2 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model emphasize?

The proper sequencing of movements and control of the body's COG (centre of gravity) throughout normal ROM (range of movement) during body segment and full body movements to develop efficient neural patterns.

What is Phase 3 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Load training

What is the focus of Phase 3 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Advancing the exercise program with the addition of an external force, placing emphasis on muscle force production where the where the variables of training can be manipulated to address a variety of exercise goals.

Linear periodization

A form of periodization used in resistance training that provides a consistent protocol within each microcycle and changes the training variables after each microcycle.

Undulating periodization

A form of periodization used in resistance training that provides different training protocols during the microcycles in addition to changing the training variables after each microcycle.

What is Phase 4 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Performance training

What does Phase 4 of the functional movement and resistance training component of the ACE IFT Model emphasize?

Resistance training component emphasizes specific training to improve speed, agility, quickness, reactivity and power.

What is power training?

The ability of muscles to generate a large amount of force in a short period of time.

What is the FITT Model?


Time and


What type of muscle fibers are responsible for high, short duration contractions?

Type II muscle fibers

What are the four phases of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

1. Aerobic-base training

2. Aerobic-efficiency training

3. Anaerobic-endurance training

4. Anaerobic-power training

What is Phase 1 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Aerobic-base training

What is the focus of Phase 1 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Developing an initial aerobic base in clients who have been sedentary or near sedentary.

What type of exercise should be performed during Phase 1 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT model?

Steady-state exercise

What is Phase 2 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Aerobic-efficiency training

What type of exercise should be introduced in Phase 2 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Aerobic intervals

What is Phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Anaerobic-endurance training

What is the primary focus of Phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Designing training programs that help improve performance in endurance event or to train fitness enthusiasts to higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness.

Where should training be during Phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Between VT1 and VT2

and at or about VT2

What is Zone 1 of Phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

70%-80% of training time

-Focus on developing a solid base of exercise below the talk-test threshold or VT1 on several days per week:

recovery workouts, warm-up, cool-down, and long distance workouts.

What is Zone 2 of Phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

<10% of training time

-Aerobic intervals at or just above VT1 during one or two cardiorespiratory sessions per week:

aerobic efficiency

What is Zone 3 of Phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

10%-20% of training time

-Anaerobic intervals at or above VT2 during one or two cardiorespiratory sessions per week:

anaerobic endurance

What is Phase 4 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Anaerobic-power training

What is the primary focus of Phase 4 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Building on the training done in the previous three phases while also introducing new intervals that are designed to enhance anaerobic power.

What type of intervals are performed in Phase 4 of the cardiorespiratory training component of the ACE IFT Model?

Short duration,


performed well above VT2.