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99 Cards in this Set

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Common Sense

Was a document written by Thomas Paine advocating independence from Great Britain for the people in the colonies. These ideas and philosophies were used in the declaration of independence.

Domino Theory

A theory that stated if a country became communist, its neighbours would most likely also become communist. Created the Truman Doctrine (an attempt to limit communism around the world)

Freedom of Speech

Being able to say anything you would like without consequences. Contributed to one of the first ammendments in the bill of rights.

Jim Crow Laws

laws in the southern united states enforcing racial segregation. Created a civil rights movement towards equality for black people.

Big Stick Diplomicy

negotiating peacefully with other nations while simultaneously displaying military might. This signified by Roosevelt that the USA would negotiate peaceful but also maintain strength to exert when needed.

Moral Diplomicy

the system in which support is given only to countries whose beliefs are comparable to that of the nation. Caused multiple unessesary interactions and battles just because they do not follow the united states government system

Manifest Destiny

a term meaning that it was meant by god for the united states to expand and gain lebenstraum. This increased expansion attitudes and led to the great expansion westward of America


A form of government in which favours equality for people of all classes. Communism caused american backlash and fear and led to an expansion in europe of this new government created during the revolution in russia.

Open Door Policy

a statement of principals initiated by the united states that called for protection and equal privledges for all countries trading with china. This asserted American interest in the far easy while creating trade opportunites.


A term meaning a country staying out and avoiding affairs and wars. This term was encouraged by people of the united states when the usa was participating in unessesary involvements during the rise of communism and other time period and events.

Truman Doctrine

To provide economic and military aid to countries under the influence and threat of communism. This led to multiple more foreign affairs and change in USA foreign policy


A government system which lets people control and own their own property and economic interests. Is the united states government system

The Mayflower Compact

The mayflower was a boat that left England with a charter or document to be signed in the Land which would be the united states which gave the right for people to settle in what is now new york. was the first document to establish self government in the new world


a system of government of whole government typically by representatives which are elected. One of two main government parties in the united states. Donkey logo

Monroe Doctrine

Was a doctrine created by James Monroe warning foreign countries by saying they cannot be involved in affairs in the western hemisphere. Led to the United States overall authority over the western hemisphere for a long time until 1930’s


advocate for a low degree of government interference. elephant logo

Red Scare

promotion of a widespread fear of a rise of communism. was caused by russian revolution. helped contribute to the cold war conflict and led to events and theories such as domino theory and Truman Doctrine

Iron Curtain

A boundary and line dividing Europe into 2 after the end of WW2. This caused rivalries between the owners of these lands and contributed to the cold war while helping the Soviet Union isolate themselves from the United States

The New Deal

Was a plan to recover from the great depression which was created by President Roosevelt. This ultimately ended the long great depression with its success and somewhat saved america

Civil Disobiedience

is a term describing refusing to obey law(s) in a peaceful manner due to the feeling of unjust the laws create. This term contributed to the ending of slavery and repelling of Whiskey ban, jim crow laws, etc.


nativism is a political policy to protect the indigenous peoples. the Americans did not do this on their westward expansion instead they hurt them terribly.

Non Violence resistance

Tactics of fighting back in non violent approaches. Used in the civil rights movement in which black people successfully gained equality

Yellow Journalism

was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.

Dollar Diplomicy

Dollar Diplomacy, foreign policy created by U.S. Pres. William Howard Taft (served 1909–13) and his secretary of state, Philander C. Knox, to ensure the financial stability of a region while protecting and extending U.S. commercial and financial interests there. Dollar diplomacy was significant in widening America's economic market, and it established the United States as a predominant power


is the right to vote in public for electives for women. this is one of the most significant and wide-ranging moments of political mobilization in all of American history and produced the largest one time increase in voters ever

American Imperialism

The expansion of American beliefs, economic, cultural, and media influence outside American property. This developed the nation of America to be recognized over Europe as a world power due to the expansionist.

Doctrine of Containment

another word for the Truman doctrine, the attempt to limit communism using military and economic might.

Progressive Movement

The Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States. These themes ended during involvement in ww1 but they still made a positive impact of improving the lives of individuals or communities.

Roosevelt Corollary

Was a big addition to the outdated Monroe doctrine. This was a success and continued to keep European powerhouses out of the western hemishpehere

George Washington

Was the main general in the American Revolution for the colonies, helped write and contribute heavily to the constitution and declaration of independence, and was the first american president

Thomas Paine

wrote the Common Sense and developed the main ideals used in the declaration if independance.

Henry David Thoreau

was an author and writer and believed there are times in history where you can be civil disobedient

Rosa parks

wouldnt give up her bus seat to a white main in a time of great racial segregation and got arrested. she was known as the mother of the civil rights movement.


were people who advocated non violence and love and was a youth movement in the 1950s and 60s


were supporters of the reconstruction plan. were viewed as tratoirs to the south and were lower than carpetbaggers to people against reconstruction.


described northerns who moved to the south after the civil war. was known as complete traitors to opponents of reconstruction


described northerns who moved to the south after the civil war. was known as complete traitors to opponents of reconstruction

Joseph McCarthy

Was a US senator in the 1940s and 50s. He is known for alleging that numerous communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere.

Mao Zedong

was a Chinese communist revolutionary and was the founder of the republic of china

Andrew Jackson

was a president of the united states who is known for laying the framework of common democracy, issued a new currency, and gained land for america.


the head of a household or at least 21 years of age to claim a 160 acre parcel of land from the homestead act.

President theodore roosevelt

focused on building central america as a president instead of focusing on much foreign events. Helped construction of the Panama canal

John F Kennedy

youngest man and first jewish man to be elected president during the cold war. was assassinated in public.

Martin Luther King Jr

Was a huge Civil Rights Movement Activist, and the leader of the Civil rights movement. He helped secure more equality to black people using his genius ideas of speeches and protests. He did this all in a non violent matter.

Martin Luther King Jr

Was a huge Civil Rights Movement Activist, and the leader of the Civil rights movement. He helped secure more equality to black people using his genius ideas of speeches and protests. He did this all in a non violent matter.


His non violent approaches helped end british rule in India and has influenced modern civil disobedience. he was a symbol towards america

Nikita Krushchev

He narrowly avoided nuclear war during the cuban missile crisis. He helped end the cold war and reduce cold war tensions.

Nikita Krushchev

He narrowly avoided nuclear war during the cuban missile crisis. He helped end the cold war and reduce cold war tensions.

Charles Mann

argues that before columbus in 1491, there was over 100 million people living in the western hemisphere. believed they all died to deadly disease

Vladimir Lenin

Was the primary leader of the russian revolution against the royalty of the czar’s. His efforts secured russian as the first of many main communist countries, and went against american ideals

Joseph Stalin

Was the leader of the Soviet Union after Lenin died. He participated heavily in WW2 in Russian defended and victory against the nazis and also participated in the early years of the cold war.

Emmitt Till

Was a black teenager who got brutally tortured and killed after whistling towards a white women. the people who killed him was free of jail time. many key people of the civil rights movement used this case as propaganda towards racial inequality such as martin Luther king

Mason Dixon line

was the line that divided free states and slave states


is the order of american government places. if the president is vacant then the vice president is speaker etc.

Townshend duties

initiated taxes on colonists on lead glass paper paint and primarily tea

Navigations acts

was the ban of colonial trade to england and decreased the dependance of foreign goods for the british empire. demostrated self sufficiency for the british empire and was one of the main causes of the american revoltion

tenement buildings

crowded, run down buildings heavily used in populated cities during the industrial revolution

Salem Witch Trials

The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. The trials resulted in the executions of 20 people, 14 of them women and all but one by hanging. Five others (including two infant children) died in prison.

Viet Minh

was the communist party representatives and opposed Viet Kong due to differences in ideologies. Viet Minh united as Vietnams main government party after the vietnam war

currency act

prohibited the printing and issuance of paper money by Colonial legislatures. they printed this paper to pay for the seven years debts and this was a primary cause of the american revolution


small structures cheaply built out of mud dirt sod and grass that people lived in the prairies during american expansionism.


small structures cheaply built out of mud dirt sod and grass that people lived in the prairies during american expansionism.

Homestead act

The Homestead Acts were several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a homestead

old and new immagration

old immigrants were people coming from northwestern Europe, new immigrants were people coming from southeastern europe


a willingness to go to the very brink of war, including the determination to use nuclear weapons, to force a belligerent country to back down


a willingness to go to the very brink of war, including the determination to use nuclear weapons, to force a belligerent country to back down

annexation of hawaii

extended US territory to the specific after the United States annexed the Hawaii islands.

Dawes Act

An Act to Provide for the very small Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians on the Various Reservations

United Nations Security Council

meant to advance human rights and maintain international peace without violence

United Nations Security Council

meant to advance human rights and maintain international peace without violence

Red vs White Bolshievik armys

Red fought for Lenins government in the revolution attempt, while white were allied forces fighting for the current capitalism back then

United Nations Security Council

meant to advance human rights and maintain international peace without violence

Red vs White Bolshievik armys

Red fought for Lenins government in the revolution attempt, while white were allied forces fighting for the current capitalism back then


a security alliance involving 30 countries from north america to europe

Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution

authorizing President Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to retaliate and to promote the maintenance of international peace and security in southeast Asia

Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution

authorizing President Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to retaliate and to promote the maintenance of international peace and security in southeast Asia

Chinese Exclusion act

prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years. The law excluded merchants, teachers, students, travelers, and diplomats

Wounded Knee

A gun was discharged and soldiers opened fire. When the shooting stopped, hundreds of Lakota men, women, and children were dead. The massacre site became a place of remembrance for Native Americans, and decades later Wounded Knee would be a rallying cry in struggles for Native American rights.

Missouri Comprimise

a legislation that admitted Missouri as a slave state and maine as a free state to attempt to maintain balance between the two types of states

Missouri Comprimise

a legislation that admitted Missouri as a slave state and maine as a free state to attempt to maintain balance between the two types of states

Bay of Pigs

was a failed invasion attempt on the island of cuba launched by President Kennedy

League of Nations

was the first worldwide international security system which attempted to maintain international world peace


In 1969, the country was deep into the controversial Vietnam War, a conflict that many young people vehemently opposed. It was also the era of the civil rights movement, a period of great protest and unrest. Woodstock was an opportunity for people to escape into music and spread a message of unity and peace.

Warsaw Pact

was a collective defense treaty signed in Warsaw, Poland, between the Soviet Union and seven other Eastern Bloc socialist republics of Central and Eastern Europe in May 1955, during the Cold War

Marshall Plan

was an attempt to provide economic assistance to rebuild and restore the economic infrastructure of post ww2 europe

Tet offensive

a coordinated series of North Vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam

Kansas Nebraska Act

an act that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. it also repealed the missouri comprimise and allowed kansas and nebraska to openly be free to a slave state or a free state above the latitutde

Panama Canal

acts as a maritime shortcut and has saved thousands of dollars of transportation

Korean War

a war fought over the spread of communism. resulted in a united states victory and resulted in preventing communism in Korea

Korean War

a war fought over the spread of communism. resulted in a united states victory and resulted in preventing communism in Korea

Seperate but equal

refers to the infamously racist decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that allowed the use of segregation laws by states and local governments.

Massacre at Hue

mass murder perpetrated by viet cong and people army of Vietnam. Considered one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War

Emmancipation Proclamation

changed the status of 3.5 million slaves to free and was signed by President Lincoln

Brown vs Board Education Topeka

was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that U.S. state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional, even if the segregated schools are otherwise equal in quality

Montgomery Bus Boycott

a 13-month mass protest that ended with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional.

Battle of Gettysburg

was a union victory and a crushing defeat for the confederates and Robert E Lee bringing an end to the civil war

Plessy Vs Ferguson

was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the Court ruled that racial segregation laws did not violate the U.S. Constitution as long as the facilities for each race were equal in quality

Cuban Missile Crisis

was a major confrontation in 1962 that brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to war over the presence of Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missiles in Cuba. The significance of this event is that it almost caused nuclear warfare and in a sense the end of the world

Black Tuesday

represents the 1929 stock market crashing starting the great depression